We succeeded! Congress left town without legalizing President Bush’s warrantless spying on Americans.
The spying continues of course, because laws only apply to you and me, and not the President. But at least Congress didn’t compound the problem.
It remains to be seen how the coming election will impact this issue. Will we have divided government? Will the Republicans be humbled, even if they retain control of Congress? Either outcome could save us. Otherwise . . .
The trouble has only begun.
We’ll be revisiting this issue. In the meantime, savor this success. Thank you for making it possible.
Liberals, conservatives, and libertarians worked together to make this happen. It shows the potential of making common cause to defend shared values. It points the way to a better future in which we transcend the rigged partisan game of divide-and-conquer, and unite the Downsizer Consensus for an unrelenting assault on a tiny and vulnerable Congress.
In the meantime, September draws to a close. We are only $1,243 short of funding for our September bills. We are a grassroots organization supported by grassroots contributions. Is there 1 person out of the 23,346 people on this list (another record!) who could make a credit card contribution to cover this amount? You can do so here.
Can 13 of the 23,346 make $100 contributions?
Can 26 do $50
Can 52 do $25
Can 104 do $12.50
Can 208 do $6.25
You can contribute to pay for September here.
Thank you to everyone for an excellent month. I’ll have a report for you about everything we achieved in a few days.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.