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July 14, 2008

What does Iran want?

I receive a regular compendium of news reports about Iran through the good offices of our coalition partner Carah Ong. The news from Iran is very confusing. On the one hand you have the Iranian Foreign Minister making conciliatory sounds, while on the other Iran is trying to convince the world that it has the ability to hit Israel with missiles. What does Iran want, peace or confrontation?

Well, its important to take note of the fact that U.S. policy is just as confusing. On the one hand you have the State Department attempting to negotiate with the Iranians, while on the other hand President Bush is supposed to have told Israel that he may be prepared to support a pre-emptive attack on Iran by Israel. What does America want, peace or war?

It’s important to recognize that all governments share certain characteristics, no matter where they are located, be it Tehran or Washington, DC. First of all, all governments lie and posture. Second, all governments say and do contradictory things. Some things are designed for domestic consumption, while other things are directed at the foreign audience. Thirdly, no government is a monolith. Governments are made up of people, and no two people agree on everything. These disagreements are often exposed in public, either overtly, or through leaks. All of these factors contribute to the sending of mixed singles, from Iran, Israel, and the United States.

One thing is certain, the peoples of Iran, Israel, and the United States are all in the grip of politicians who have too much confidence, too little humility, and too few checks on their power. Only we can change this. The ultimate path to peace and security lies in building a Downsize DC Army so large that it can serve as an effective check on our own government.

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