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July 16, 2006

What the DC Downsizer movement needs most

Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…
On today’s Downsize DC Conference Call, a call-in radio show sponsored by, Gun Owners of America, and the Marijuana Policy Project, I’m going to pick up where I left off last week. Or should I say, I’m going to skip ahead?

My topic last week had to do with the failure of partisanship. But it’s a topic I’m really uncomfortable discussing for both personal and professional reasons. As I explain in the blog post about last week’s show, even though I had more to say, I’m ready to move on.

Each day I become more convinced we can Downsize DC! On Sunday’s program, I’ll let you into my mind. I think the visit to my thought process will give you hope, even excitement.

I was amazed by the response to last week’s show. I’ve been hosting my own radio show for more than a year now. Six callers, which we had last Sunday, is a record! On top of that, more than 20 people sent emails about the show’s topic. That’s what controversy will do for you.

But now I want to offer hope. Please understand, was conceived during a time when I was thrashing through the very questions I raised last weekend. We’ve continually refined the concept behind, and now, as we begin our third year, and I see the progress we’ve made, I’ve really become convinced we’re on to something.

Please take it as a sign of my excitement, and not as arrogance, when I tell you that I think is what the movement for smaller government needs most. But what do I mean by that?

What are the strategic concepts that undergird Downsize DC?

I’m going to discuss as many of these ideas as I can in the time allotted (but I’ll still only scratch the surface). I hope you’ll be inspired by what you hear today, if you listen. I have a vision of hope to share.

And couldn’t we all use some hope?

Here are the broadcast details…

You can hear the show at
Once you’re at the Listen Live page, choose one of the first two channels to get the free feed.

The show is broadcast live at …
Eastern: 5pm – 6pm
Central: 4pm – 5pm
Mountain: 3pm – 4pm
Pacific: 2pm – 3pm
Alaska: 1pm – 2pm
Hawaii: Noon – 1pm

The call-in number is 1-800-259-9231

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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