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March 16, 2011

You can now see the number of DC Downsizers in your district

Quote of the Day: “You get more of what you measure.” — Marshall Fritz, founder, Advocates for Self Government

Do you want to see how many DC Downsizers are in your Congressional district? If so . . .

* Go to our homepage.  
* Follow these instructions

Your browser may be set to log you in automatically . . .

* If so, you’ll see “Your Toolbox” in the right hand column.
* If not, click on the “Log In” button at the far right end of the green navigation banner, and login.
* When you can see “Your Toolbox” in the right hand column, scroll down to the area titled “Your District.”

Look for the link where you can estimate how many DC Downsizers you think you’ll need in order to have real influence over your federal representatives.

When you click on that link you’ll see a page of instructions about what to do next. Basically . . .

First, you need to set a recruitment goal for your district.

Once you’ve chosen that number you’ll be able to see how many DC Downsizers there actually are in your district right now.

From that point on, every time you come back to the site, you’ll see the following information posted in the upper right hand corner of the site’s masthead . . .

* Your recruitment goal for your district
* The number of DC Downsizers in your district

In addition, as soon as you’ve chosen a recruitment goal you’ll be able to see . . .

* Averages of the recruitment goals set by others in your district (if there are any yet), and . . .
* Averages of the goals set by other DC Downsizers for their districts, all across the country.

You’ll be able to change your personal recruitment goal at any time, so don’t be intimidated. The goal you select isn’t engraved in stone. It’s just your best current guess about how much help you’ll need to start getting what you want from your congressional representative.

Here’s a little basic info that may help you estimate your recruitment goal — the mean number of registered voters per Congressional district is about 338,966.

Of course, your district may be above or below the national mean. Here’s the key point — most registered voters never have any contact with their elected representatives. Many of them don’t even vote, and the vast majority never write or call their representatives either. Keep this in mind when you set your goal . . .

Most of the people in your district aren’t doing what you’re doing, and never will. You have a competitive advantage because you use’s Educate the Powerful System to issue regular instructions to your representatives. With this in mind . . .

Go and make your best guess for how much help you think you need in your district, and see how many DC Downsizers there are in your district right now!

Oh yeah — if you like what we’ve done, and want to see us do more of it, please consider making a contribution to fuel our continued progress.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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