Monthly Archives: June 2006
The Hinchey-Rohrbacher Vote
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
The Hinchey-Rohrbacher vote was yesterday. We lost, 163 to 259. But this was 2 votes better than last year, and 18 Republicans bucked the White House to vote yes. Republicans are the key to this issue. Just as it took Nixon to go to China, it will take the Republicans to end the war on the sick. The fact that 18 Republicans voted for Hinchey-Rohrbacher in an election year is a good sign of progress. :::
One point made during the debate is worth noting. A Republican Congressman claimed marijuana is not needed because there are plenty of other drugs to treat the problems marijuana addresses. This reflects the one-size-fits-all mentality that plagues the federal government. Not all drugs work on all people equally well. We are all different, and we need a multitude of substances to address those differences. This year’s vote provides cause to hope that Congress can learn, if only we keep repeating the message. We must always remember . . .:::
The world tends to change a step at a time. In increments, not leaps. Revolutions do occur, but evolution is more reliable. Constant pressure, constant progress, can get you where you’re going when “magic bullets” are nowhere to be found, or when those “magic bullets” turn out to be duds. :::
This is our mantra at Downsize DC. Always forward, one tiny step at a time.:::
We also took steps forward yesterday in our drive to pay for June and secure our annual funding so we can begin Operation Everywhere — our campaign of relentless advertising to recruit a large army of DC Downsizers. We moved past $1,000 a month in new monthly pledgers, and raised $1,300 total toward our June needs. $7,700 is still needed for June. You can make a contribution for this purpose here.:::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Jim, Inc. :::
A brief note
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .:::
A quick update. One week ago today we had the largest increase ever in our monthly pledge support — nearly $1,000. We’ve made tremendous progress on pledges. This means that over $3,000 of the $14,000 a month it costs to run is now secure. Thank you to everyone who made micro- and macro- pledges to achieve this big surge. :::
Today, with only 3 days left this month, we absolutely must shift our focus. We have no doubt that small monthly pledges will get us where we need to go in the long run. But while the value of our pledges mount, we still need to pay the bills that aren’t yet covered by those pledges. We’ve so-far raised $5,000 of the $14,000 we need for June. :::
Summer is always challenging. But we’re even further behind than I anticipated. Please help us pay for June. Any contribution between $10 and $9,000 would do the trick. The drive for monthly pledges also continues. You could make a micro-pledge of $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, or $9, or a macro-pledge of $10 or more. You can make your contribution or start your monthly pledge here.:::
We regularly post a roster of recent contributors in the Downsizer-Dispatch as our way of saying thanks. The team-member who does that just moved this past weekend and is playing catch-up. Samuel Johnson said, “Better two fires than one move.” But he’ll soon catch up and we’ll post the names of all the folks who’ve helped us build :::
You can choose whether or not to have your name listed in a future Dispatch when you make your contribution. Remember, you can make your contribution or monthly pledge here.:::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Jim, Inc. :::
P.S. If you prefer to mail a check, you can printout our webform and mail it to… ::: 15th St. :::Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
I’ve got a Hinchey in my Rohrbacher
Ever had a Hinchey in your Rohrbacher? Sounds painful. Medical marijuana could be the treatment you need. :::
Hinchey-Rohrbacher sounds like a terrible disease syndrome, but it’s not. It’s an amendment that could cure federal interference in the private medical decisions of doctors and patients in states that permit the medical use of marijuana. :::
Hinchey-Rohrbacher will be voted on this week! For the only time in 2006! Now’s your chance to help those who need the help medical marijuana can provide. Urge your Representative to pass Hinchey-Rohrbacher! You can do so here.:::
Speaking of having a Hinchey in your Rohrbacher . . .:::
My father used to claim he had “a hitch in his get-along” whenever he was moving slow. It always made me laugh. And my Texas relatives were also fond of saying they were “fixing to start” something. Well, if you’ve had a hitch in your get-along that has kept you from using our electronic advocacy system, or if you’ve been fixing to start using it, now is the time to stop fixing and start starting. You never know when you’ll contract something terrible that sounds like Hinchey-Rohrbacher, or perhaps get a painful Hinchey in your sensitive Rohrbacher, so don’t let that hitch in your get-along leave you always fixing to start. Send your message to Congress now.:::
As a friend of mine is fond of saying, “I kid because I love.” But medical marijuana is a deadly serious business for many. They need our help. And Representatives Hinchey and Rohrbacher deserve our thanks and praise for giving that help a glimmer of a chance.:::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Perry Willis:::Communications, Inc.
Babka on air & Harry Browne memorial service
Many folks have asked if there was going to be a memorial service for Downsize DC co-founder Harry Browne. Yes, there will be. Details are below. ::::::But first…::::::Jim Babka will explain on tomorrow’s Downsize DC Conference Call (a radio show) how the Democrats are blowing their opportunity to recapture either the House or the Senate in November. ::::::And,
Is Congress a “gang” under S.155?
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Sigmund Freud famously asked, “What does woman want?” He also famously asserted that “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” :::
Centralized disaster
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Please forward this to interested friends . . .:::
The federal government has fallen in love with large, centralized, databases containing the personal information of millions of Americans. We’re told these databases will enhance our security, but anything that is large and highly centralized is also highly vulnerable, and an inviting target for terrorists. :::
The bigger they are, the harder they fall . . .:::
Make Babka Justify Himself
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Why does Downsize DC do some things, and not others? Jim Babka is the man responsible for these decisions, and this is your chance to challenge him.:::
How they voted
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
The House spent 10 hours Thursday debating a resolution saying “the United States will prevail in the war on terror.” They might as well have debated a resolution saying “the United States will stop murderers from killing people.” :::
The good news is that something of a debate about our policy in Iraq broke-out anyway. Most notable was Henry Waxman’s laundry-list of the misuse of taxpayers’ money in Iraq. We will try to share some of the lowlights from this list in the days ahead. Meanwhile, here’s how the House voted . . .:::
Medical Marijuana Vote Near
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
* Yesterday’s fake Iraq debate :::* Medical marijuana vote near:::* “Read the Bills Act” action item:::* Relentless incrementalism:::* RTBA Meet-Up Groups:::* Operation Everywhere:::