Monthly Archives: August 2006
Congress Returning – Action Item
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…:::We have an URGENT ACTION ITEM today that includes “egg on a Senator’s face.” But first, two quick housekeeping matters . . .
The Transpartisan Exception
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…:::Yesterday we extolled the virtues of radical ideas versus controversial subjects. This should have raised a question in the mind’s of thoughtful Downsizers, and so we’ll respond to that question today.::::::If radical ideas are superior and controversial subjects inferior, why are there so many seemingly controversial subjects on the homepage? More specifically, why have we weighed-in on U.S. foreign policy when it’s so controversial? ::::::It must be stressed that the following answers are merely the guidelines we use. This is an art, not a science. We recognize that our judgments are subject to error. So having said, we’ll begin with two simple answers . . .
Radical vs Controversial
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…:::Yesterday we answered the question of why government continues to grow even though most people think it should shrink. We established that everyone is responding rationally to the incentives of the system. We asserted that we must change the incentives so that . . .::::::The cost politicians pay to increase government is unbearably high, while the cost the taxpayers pay to stop government growth is very low. ::::::We established that there are certain facts about Congressional power that make it possible to change the incentives in just this way. Using the low-cost organizing power of the Internet, combined with a host of other low-cost tactics, we can inflict extreme pain on Congress and force them to Downsize DC. ::::::Today we’ll look at another aspect of the problem, and another part of the solution. ::::::Nearly everyone believes government in too large in general, but nearly everyone is willing for government to grow in some specific area. Politicians use these exceptions to the Downsizing Consensus to Divide & Conquer the populace. There are many examples of these exceptions, but most of them share two things in common . . .
Downsize DC Conference Call – August 27, 2006
Downsize DC Conference Call – August 27, 2006
The Biggest Problem Solved
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…:::This year, as last year, August is strategy-and-tactics month — a time when we explain what we’re doing and why. In this installment we’ll solve a big problem . . .::::::Ask 10 people at random, “Do you believe the federal government is too big, too small, or just about the right size?” Nearly everyone will say, “Too big.” We’ve tested this repeatedly. The results are consistent. Nearly everyone is a DC Downsizer, in principle. Yet few people vote this way. We consistently elect people who increase the size of government. Why? ::::::There’s a branch of economics devoted to this problem. It’s called
War questions answered today
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . . :::
Our recent decision to oppose a pre-emptive attack on Iran, which we titled “Stop the War FOR Terror,” provoked more emails to our office than anything we’ve done this year. For all of you who voiced support, thank you. :::
But many of you had questions and concerns. As we reported on August 16th, we were quite impressed with the overall quality of the questions we received. We decided we must address them. :::
On today’s Downsize DC Conference Call (a radio show sponsored by, Gun Owners of America, and the Marijuana Policy Project), I’ll be joined by Perry Willis, Communications Director for We’ll address some of the emails we received and answer your questions. Those questions fall into two broad categories . . .:::
1) The campaign itself… Is another war a bad idea? :::2) Downsize DC strategy… Was this consistent with our mission, our goals, and our methods? :::
Perhaps, during the course of the show, you’ll have a different question. I call my show the Conference Call because I want to hear from you. 1-800-259-9231 is the number to call-in. Emails can be sent to CALL AT DownsizeDC DOT ORG. :::
This hour-long program starts at 5:06 PM Eastern (4:06 PM Central, 3:06 PM Mountain, 2:06 PM Pacific, 1:06 PM Alaska). :::
To listen on the Net, go to and click on channels one or two for the free feed. You can sample the higher quality, subscription feed on channels three or four for 25 minutes.:::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Jim, Inc.
No to “Reform,” Yes to Downsizing
No to “Reform,” Yes to Downsizing
What am I reading today? August 25 edition
What am I reading today?
A Brief Message
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…:::From Board Chair, Gary Nolan. ::::::I hate writing today’s message. I greatly prefer reading President Jim Babka’s positive messages about our growth where he tells you about new initiatives. I even prefer when Jim goes negative on Congress and wages war against their unconstitutional, budget-busting, irresponsible behavior. ::::::But today, we don’t have the time to be positive about growth or negative about Congress. I have an urgent appeal to make. ::::::Yesterday, Jim Babka told you we had less than $4,000 to raise to meet this month’s budget need. We raised $345. As of now, we still need $3,600 to meet our goal. Can you help? ::::::Now, please don’t get me wrong. I’m excited about our progress, even financially-speaking. Since the start of June Jim reports to me that we’ve doubled — DOUBLED — our net pledge income. We expect to have $4,300 in pledge income in September. ::::::If you’re keeping score, those pledges have a 12-month value of
The Revolution Can’t Be Politically Managed
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…:::This year, as last year, August is strategy-and-tactics month — a time when we explain what we are doing and why. Here’s the latest installment . . .::::::The student of history would have to willingly ignore obvious facts to miss the truth: politically managed economies don’t work. Entrepreneurial ownership, consumer choice, and prices do a much better job of producing and allocating goods and services. ::::::This is how the world works. The regimes that have ignored these facts have destroyed their economies and massacred their people. Now we know. ::::::But there’s a corollary here. Many of the very people who understand that political management doesn’t work for national economies somehow believe that