Monthly Archives: February 2018
NEW CAMPAIGN: Untax healthcare
Downsize DC proposal would untax healthcare. Do you want this? Retweet We’re launching a new campaign to untax healthcare. Our proposal would make all healthcare expenditures tax-deductible, including insurance premiums…
Let Medicaid and Medicare patients OWN their healthcare dollars!
This Downsize DC proposal may be the only way to prevent Medicare insolvency Retweet This post is a copy of our newsletter, sent to 30,000 subscribers. Don’t miss an issue…
NEW PODCAST – Jim Babka’s Post-Statist Review
Why, if you wanted to keep your doctor, you didn’t get to do so Retweet Jim Babka signed-off from his weekly, syndicated talk-show in August, 2008. Today’s message starts with…
Jim Babka’s Post-Statist Review
In this episode, Jim and co-host Howard take on some topics near and dear to the heart of millions of Americans. Check out Jim’s organization at _ SHOW NOTES:…
Downsize DC wants to revive Ron Paul’s Free Competition in Currency Act
Tell your reps to re-introduce Ron Paul’s Free Competition in Currency Act. Retweet We recently added a new piece of legislation to the Downsize DC Agenda — We Do Better’s…
Text of the Free Competition in Currency Act
This legislation will allow competition between various forms of money by repealing the legal tender law. This will break the legal monopoly currently enjoyed by Federal Reserve Notes. Ask your…
NEW Downsize DC Agenda bill – Can you “do better” than Congress?
New Downsize DC Agenda bill gives you control over some federal spending Retweet We’re adding a new bill to the Downsize DC Agenda. This is a powerful transpartisan proposal, just…
The Constitution responds to the State of the Union
What would the Constitution say if it could deliver a State of the Union speech? Retweet NOTE: Due to technical issues, we did not launch our new Downsize DC Agenda…
Text of the Universal Charitable Credit Act
Here is the text of the Universal Charitable Credit Act. This bill was created by We Do Better. Downsize DC has added it to its Agenda of key proposals alongside…