Why, if you wanted to keep your doctor, you didn’t get to do so Retweet
Jim Babka signed-off from his weekly, syndicated talk-show in August, 2008. Today’s message starts with this bit of trivia because people have long asked when he would go back “on air.”
Jim missed being behind the mic. He guest-hosted programs a few days each year. But he couldn’t imagine having his own show again. Radio requires a significant off-air investment that includes seeking sponsorship and broadcast affiliates. Both tasks are arduous.
2017 was the first year that Jim hadn’t guest-hosted a show anywhere. Surprisingly, the questions about his return to air recently returned — as if his old show had only recently ended! But some of those people proposed Jim try something new — a podcast. Then…
A few weeks ago, Howard Salter, came to us looking to produce a podcast featuring Jim. Today…
- We debut that new podcast.
- It’s called the Post Statist Review.
In this first episode, you’ll learn…
- What a post-statist is.
- How President Obama lied to Jim Babka about his doctor, and the actual reasons you haven’t been able to keep YOUR doctor.
- How you can “do better” managing welfare dollars than government bureaucrats do, including, how you can redirect tax dollars away from Washington and to your favorite charities.
The show is available on SoundCloud and iTunes. You’ll find the details on our website, where you can also leave comments.
We’ll record another episode for next week, then gauge the level of receptivity for it. Continuing this program will require support. So, if you like what you hear…
- Please do the actions requested during the show
- Share the podcast with your libertarian-leaning friends
- Consider making a contribution or starting a monthly pledge
And thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Perry Willis
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.