Monthly Archives: August 2019
Beta test our new system, Phase 1
We need your help once again! Today we want to test our new system. Please recall that we are in the process of… Launching a new strategy and brand –…
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Tagged Downsize DC, Jim Babka, One Subject at a Time Act, statesploitation
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Would YOU vote to *terminate* the Income Tax tomorrow?
We’re Saying Goodbye to OLD Downsize DC In that message, I promised to introduce a “FAR OUT” new strategy. Today, I deliver. But it requires the context of a quick…
Save this message; it’s historic
You’ve just opened an historic message. **You’re special, and we need your help. Most of our subscribers are not receiving this message today. You’re a member of our beta test…
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Should unelected bureaucrats pass their own legislation?
Downsize DC’s “Write the Laws Act” would end bureaucratic “lawmaking” Retweet Note: This is the last Downsizer-Dispatch. We’re switching vendors and building a new website (coming soon). Right now, we’re beta-testing…