December 4, 2018

Self-change to world-change

How libertarians can compete with the Left and Right Retweet

To change the world we must change ourselves in three simple ways…

  1. Realize that we’re not alone. 30-million Americans self-identify as libertarian, and another 30 million hold mostly libertarian views.
  2. Resolve to locate those people.
  3. Activate them to perform simple tasks — and do those tasks ourselves 

Big news is coming about all these points. Stay tuned. In the meantime…

You can do step three right now. The task is simple: Resolve to send Congress at least one message per day. Remember…

  • When you vote you’re just one among tens of millions, and your voice is not heard
  • When you write Congress your letter is one of just dozens or hundreds on that issue.

Your letter to Congress has far more power than your vote ever can. Now imagine if we could locate and activate more and more libertarians to do this task each day. We believe Congress would start to move our direction, starting with proposals like the One Subject at a Time Act.

Make that your message for today!

Tell your reps to sponsor the One Subject at a Time Act

And stay tuned for big news, coming soon!

Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC

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