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February 6, 2009

Answering the Questions

Media Alert: Jim Babka is scheduled to appear on Straight Talk w/ Jerry Hughes at 3:06 PM Eastern. Details are available at the blog. 

Quote of the Day: “It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives.” — Dorothy Thompson (1894-1961)

Subject: Here are the questions we want to answer . . .

* How many Americans would support the “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA) and the “One Subject at a Time Act” (OSTA) if they knew about them?
* How many of these people would join Downsize DC, if all they had to do was provide their email address?
* How many of these new recruits would contribute sums large or small to expand our recruitment?
* How many DC Downsizers would we need in order to saturate a media market with direct mail and advertising promoting RTBA and OSTA?
* How long would we have to do this before the Congressional delegation in that market buckled to the pressure and introduced RTBA and OSTA?
* How many Downsizers would we need to make our message heard by everyone, everywhere, every day, and begin to win on issue after issue?

We’re getting closer to conducting our first experiments to begin answering these questions. In January we accumulated $3,091 toward doing our first recruitment mailings.

Our goal is to raise $6,000 per month, and add 20 new monthly pledgers. We’ve already recruited two new pledgers so far this month.

If you’d like to help us answer the above questions, and meet our monthly outreach and income growth goals, you can do so by contributing or starting a monthly pledge using our secure contribution form.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

P.S. URGENT ACTION ITEM – The stimulus/scam bill needs to be blocked. The news events of the last 24 hours have shown that it can be blocked if the Senate Republicans hold firm. A vote could be held today, which is why we’re advocating phone calls. If you have one or more Republican Senators from your state, please call and ask him/her/them to block the bill. Regular users can go to, log in, and you’ll see the phone numbers for your Senators. Please call now!

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