September 4, 2018

How to balance the budget instantly

Balancing the budget could actually be pretty painless Retweet

Downsize DC loves levers — ways to achieve large results with little effort. Our agenda proposals, such as the One Subject at a Time Act, are examples of that. Our Cap the Debt proposal is another example of both a lever and a Downsize DC Agenda bill. 

Is balancing the budget hard? Too many people think it would be. Even budget hawks assume we need a Balanced Budget Amendment. But the debt ceiling gives us all we need so long as we can mount enough pressure on Congress to stop raising it. It would take less public pressure to achieve that than to pass a constitutional amendment. So let’s focus on doing the easy, high-leverage thing.

The easy way is the Downsize DC way! Because you should be more powerful!

Use our Political Leverage Machine — Tell Congress to honor the debt ceiling.

Another way you can become more powerful is by recruiting more DC Downsizers to increase the pressure on Congress. One outreach ad we’re running, right now, is attracting a new DC Downsizer for every $2.90 we spend. How many new DC Downsizers do you want? Figure that out, then… Start a monthly pledge or make a one-time donation.

Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC

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