Reps. Mark Pocan and Thomas Massie have re-introduced the Surveillance State Repeal Act.
Please tell Congress to pass it…
…using's, FREE, Educate the Powerful tool.
There, you will find a hardwired, first sentence for your letter…
Co-sponsor the “Surveillance State Repeal Act (HR 1466).”
We encourage you to add to that, either your own words or copy and paste this letter…
After Edward Snowden revealed the NSA’s mass surveillance program, many Americans changed their online behavior. They didn’t want to do or say anything “suspicious.”
* Should that happen in a free society?
* Should that happen under the Constitution?
Of course not!
Fortunately, the Surveillance State Repeal Act restores online freedom. It…
* Repeals the Patriot Act, meaning no more mass surveillance
* Repeals most of the FISA Amendments Act, meaning search warrants will again be REQUIRED for surveillance
* Prevents the feds from interfering with the development and use of encryption technology, so the feds won’t be able to hack into your devices
Even better, the SSRA…
* Requires that personal data collected under the Patriot Act be destroyed
* Protects whistleblowers who report abuses
The feds CAN still spy on suspected terrorists with a warrant.
But they WON'T be able to spy on non-suspects. Americans could exercise First and Fourth Amendment freedoms without fear.
Remember: Your OATH is to support the Constitution.
Do your job. Pass the Surveillance State Repeal Act!
Send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.
Using only your contact information, the Educate the Powerful System locates your two Senators and Representative.
This system is unique, because it will use that same information to deliver this message to all of these offices, simultaneously. Plus, if your Congressman creates barriers, like CAPTCHAs, our program will help you navigate that, as well.
Because's system relies on your personal contact information and matches you up, your Congressional office knows you're a constituent. Letters from constituents are much more likely to be counted and read.
In fact, numbers really matter! This is why you should…
- SHARE this message with people who are likely to agree with your cause
- Forward this email, and ask your friends to do exactly as you did — that is, send a message to their representatives using this system
You can also inform your friends that when they send their first letter, if they select an easy-to-remember password, then they can come back again and again to send more letters — giving these “representatives” their daily work orders.
We'll further help them by sending more sample letters on related issues. And they'll help you by increasing the number-count of messages sent.
This process is made available FREE to the public, in hopes that more letters get generated. But that doesn't mean there's no cost to produce letters, newsletter updates, and issue campaigns, as well as to do system maintenance, programming, and tech support. Downsize DC's monthly budget need is a mere $14,500.
As you can see, our annual budget is less than the monthly budget of many organizations. So your individual contribution can make a real difference.
We request that you consider making a monthly pledge.
- Monthly, credit-card pledgers help us plan ahead so we can do more
- The average pledge is nearly $12 per month. But you can pledge as little as $1 per month.
- Generous one-time contributions are also welcome and beneficial
- Please see our secure web-form for all of the ways you can help this cause
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka
President, Inc.