Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…
Americans are reaching the breaking point with the Bush Administration’s abuse of power, and with last week’s revelations about more illegal spying, Congress is finally taking notice.
We now know that three major telephone companies are helping the Bush administration amass what one source called “the largest database ever assembled.” The President’s illegal National Security Agency (NSA) spying program is tracking the calls and communications of millions of ordinary Americans – like you.
Why is this urgent? The Senate is holding confirmation hearings on CIA director nominee General Michael V. Hayden, a chief architect of the NSA’s spying program. The Senators can and must use this opportunity to get the facts about the administration’s violation of our right to privacy.
Please make a call to Congress right now and express your alarm about the NSA program and the cooperation of American phone companies with illegal spying on Americans.
Insist that your Senators question Bush’s CIA nominee thoroughly about the program he helped create, and if necessary, delay his confirmation unless he gives satisfactory answers and facts. This isn’t about partisanship or personality. Frankly, we don’t care who gets this position. But there’s no better opportunity for the Senate to exercise oversight of the administration and to get to the bottom of their domestic spying program.
If you’re already a DC Downsizer, all you need to do is choose a campaign from our home page Log-in. For most campaigns, the system tells you who your two Senators are and includes their office phone numbers.
If you haven’t registered, it’s easy. Perhaps you’d like to send a message calling upon Congress to repeal the Real ID Act. Once you are registered and logged-in, you’ll find your two Senators and their phone numbers listed there.
When you call, remember to be polite. Introduce yourself and make clear you’re a constituent. Figure out what you’ll say in advance and keep it short. Senatorial offices are used to taking these kinds of messages.
Talking points for your call
:* The confirmation hearings of General Hayden to be director of the CIA are an important opportunity to try to get the facts about the adminstration’s spying program.
* Americans have an inalienable right to privacy in their communications that no president can invade without a court order based on evidence of wrongdoing.
* It is unconstitutional to spend money on gathering innocent Americans’ calling patterns or the content of their communications.
* Congress should issue subpoenas to force government officials and phone company executives to truthfully answer questions about President Bush’s warrantless surveillance of American residents.
Speak out now so Congress hears us loud and clear.
We support the bill in Congress to require the Federal Reserve to restart the reporting of the M3 number. Why? Because it allows the Fed to hide a portion of the currency being created just to pay the national debt. The increase in the monetary supply drives down the purchasing power of your dollar. Remember, currency devaluation and inflation are one and the same. interviewed me about this topic. You can hear the interview here.
Then, you can take action. Tell Congress to require the Fed to report M3 here.
For Liberty,
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
P.S. A CHORUS OF VOICES AGAINST ILLEGAL SPYING is just one of a host of groups calling on Congress to do their jobs this week, restore the Bill of Rights, and end the abuse of power by this administration. We’re sending this message to you today as part of our membership in The Liberty Coalition. But other groups have been sending messages each day this week.
We’re not alone. The cumulative volume of our voices can make a difference.
Please add your voice today. And then, tell us about it at this address…
Feedback at DownsizeDC dot org