US gives 50 tons of weapons to probable Syrian terrorist groups. Retweet.
We must reveal what the media hides.
We wrote and sent the following editorial to our representatives in Congress. We encourage you to do the same.
On Sunday October 11th the U.S. military dropped 50 tons of weapons to a rebel force in Syria. But who are these rebels? The mainstream media won’t tell you, but we will…
The group receiving the weapons calls itself the Democratic Forces of Syria. They supposedly oppose both ISIS and the Syrian dictator, Assad. The group is composed of both Kurds and Arabs.
But our politicians won’t give support to the Kurds, because Turkey objects. So our aid has gone to the Arab part of the group, which operates under yet another name — the Syrian Arab Coalition. So…
Who are the members of this Syrian Arab Coalition? A group called Raqqa Revolutionaries Front claims both to be a part of the coalition and to have received the weapons. But it also appears that this group was once aligned with something called the Al Nusra Front, which is essentially…
Al Qaeda.
Numerous other splinter groups are also involved, many of them with reputations for corruption, criminality, looting, and unreliability in battle. Among these groups is one called Ghuraba Al-sham. Consider these words from this group’s former leader, Abu al-Qaqa…
“Guests have come to our land…slaughter them like cattle. Burn them! Yes, they are the Americans.”
These are the kind of people politicians are arming. They did it as recently as October 11, to the tune of 50 tons.
Please do not be confused about this. Democrats and Republicans are both supporting this policy. It’s Obama’s policy. But Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham also support it. As with most things that plague America, this policy is bipartisan.
Our prediction? This policy will eventually blowback to harm Americans in America. Remember, our politicians started out supporting ISIS, and look how bad that turned out.
Our advice? Oppose U.S. involvement in Syria and elsewhere. Overall, U.S. interventions have done far more harm than good.
- Use our Educate the Powerful System to tell Congress to bring home the troops. Copy and paste the above editorial into your personal comments.
- Educate the people you know. Share this message with them. We must reveal what the media hides.
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Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Co-founders, Downsize DC
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