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June 5, 2017

Do you want to see Downsize DC’s new website?

Dear DC Downsizers,

Eighteen days ago, I told you we would “make lemonade”… in the sense, that life gives you lemons, and you make the best of it. And we’re doing just that with our new website.

Recall that, we leased the “Engage” software system and were supposed to launch it during the first quarter. But it didn’t work out as advertised. We stretched their system beyond its capabilities. So…

We trashed our original plan — a tough, even painful thing to do.

Since then, we’ve been implementing a rapid-action plan, designed to make up for lost time. In fact…

  • Getting the website to you quickly requires prioritizing speed over cost, otherwise opportunity costs mount. PLUS…
  • Congress is busy. We must be as fully-engaged and well-armed for the battle ASAP.

That’s why I told you, we needed to raise a mere $6,500 (above our existing support) by June 1st. I’ll tell you how we’re doing on that goal, below. First, I want to…

Share our progress with you [New Downsize DC home]

Check out the picture! [It’s clickable] We’re aiming for a streamlined look, starting with our homepage. The new site is attractive, right? You’ll find it streamlined and easier to use too.

In the last two weeks, we’ve completed nearly all the pages for the website — even the harder ones like the subscription and contribution forms. But we’re still working on the most important page-type of all — the action/campaign pages.

Over the next several days, we’ll be testing the website.

We hope to announce the date when YOU get to “test drive” the site next week!

On top of that, when we launch…

We’ll make a HUGE announcement to follow it up! Something really exciting has happened. We’ve been sitting on this news, wanting to use our new website to take maximum advantage of it.

There’s an important role for you in making this plan work. As I reported to you just two weeks ago, we need to do two things by June 30…

  1. Add 31 new monthly pledgers, AND we’ve welcomed 8 new pledgers since May 18.
  2. Raise a mere $6,500 from those new pledges and one-time contributions, AND we thank those supporters who’ve given $2,872 toward this goal.

Will you start a new pledge? And if your pledge has lapsed, will you please renew it?


Will you make a generous one-time contribution? In fact…

  • There are people reading this who can give half or even all of the remaining $3,628 we need to reach our goal. If you’re one of those people, will you please make that contribution now?
  • Every amount helps! Contributions of all sizes will likely be required to meet this humble goal. We need you.

More good news, coming soon!

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka
President, Inc


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