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September 12, 2007

Downsize DC Conference Call – September 9, 2007 edition

Jerry Hughes did me a real favor by agreeing to guest host my Sunday radio show, the Downsize DC Conference Call, brought to you by Gun Owners of America and

Jerry is so good at being a radio host — he’s such a natural — that there’s sheer joy just in listening to him. I could pay attention to him reading the ingredients of various generic condiments.

But this show was “gooder” than that.

At the end of most of my personal emails, I have a quote of mine that describes the reasons I come to work every day:

“Big Government costs you, inconveniences you, and occasionally hurts people you love. But it routinely injures a neighbor, damages your industry, and destroys your community — it even kills people. We must Downsize DC for Human Progress.”

Jerry decided to unpack that quote and elaborate on it with facts, figures, and stories. It’s quite good, and obviously I recommend you click on the “attachment” and listen to the mp3 recording for yourself.

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