How do Downsize DC, Deny Consent, and the Zero Aggression Project, fit together?
Here’s the legal answer…
Tax law requires different organizations for different purposes. That’s why we have and the Downsize DC Foundation.
Dot Org can lobby Congress, while the Foundation is limited to public education. Contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. Donations to Dot Org are not.
The Zero Aggression Project is an initiative of the Downsize DC Foundation, so it’s purpose is educational.
Deny Consent is an initiative of Dot Org — so it can lobby Congress, but it will do so in a new way.
Here’s the strategic answer…
The Zero Aggression PROJECT will educate people about the Zero Aggression PRINCIPLE.
No one should initiate harm against another, or delegate doing so to others.
This idea will be the basis for all our initiatives.
ZAP, the project, will show how we can have a global society built on ZAP, the principle.
This new vision will include new institutions to provide governmental services in a new way, controlled by consumer preference, NOT politics. Meanwhile…
DENY CONSENT will go beyond education.
It will use the Zero Aggression Principle to persuade people to FIRE The State.
Since governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed, those powers disappear if the consent disappears. We intend to make the consent disappear.
We will recruit people to publicly deny their consent to various parts of The State.
With each person who denies consent to a given statist program, The State loses legitimacy.
We intend to push this until there is NO legitimacy left.
To survive as a provider of governmental services The State will have to civilize itself, by adopting the Zero Aggression Principle. It must stop initiating harm against people, and instead offer its services on a voluntary, non-violent basis.
And finally . . .
Downsize DC’s new purpose will be to help The State civilize itself.
We will promote specific proposals designed to leverage The State in a civilized direction.
These proposals will include things like the Read the Bills Act, the Write the Laws Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, the Free Competition in Currency Act, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, and Cap the Debt.
If Congress passes these kinds of reforms it can retain some of its legitimacy. But if it resists doing so then the drive to Deny Consent will accelerate. Either way . . .
This is what Downsize DC + Deny Consent + ZAP equals — constant incremental progress.
- Each mind that adopts the Zero Aggression Principle is progress.
- Each person who denies consent to any part of The State is progress.
- Each person who demands that The State civilize itself is progress.
And the same kind of approach is needed for the funding that will build these new tools.
You can help us fund our RE-FOCUSING of by becoming a Founder of our other new project — DENY CONSENT.
To become a DENY CONSENT Co-Founder . . .
- Use the secure form at
- Contribute $100 or more, one-time, or…
- Start a monthly credit card pledge for $10 or more
- Founders are ranked by gift size. Pledges are annualized in that calculation.
Or, because we want to make it possible for everyone to participate…
Become an Associate Founder by . . .
- Contributing $10 or more, or…
- Starting a monthly credit card pledge for $1 or more
- Use the same secure form at
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,
Perry Willis & Jim Babka, Inc.