How many asked their reps to co-sponsor the One Subject at a Time Act? Retweet
In last week’s plans & progress reports, we informed you…
- Downsize DC has a record 24 co-sponsors for OSTA (One Subject at a Time Act, H.R. 395)
- What our strategy is for passing OSTA
We need to create a rising tide of pro-OSTA messages flooding into Congress.
447 individual DC Downsizers sent OSTA messages to Congress last week. If you haven’t yet sent your reps a message asking them to co-sponsor OSTA, please do so now. Second…
We need to recruit new people to pressure Congress to pass OSTA.
We want to run this ad on Facebook…
Can you help fund this outreach by doing one of the following…
- Make a one-time contribution
- Start a monthly pledge
- Increase your existing pledge. To do so, please hit Reply to this message. We’ll gladly assist you.
We’ll report back with the results. In the meantime…
We’re doing the following things…
- Working to get our other campaigns and blog posts ported over from the old site to the new site
- Fixing bugs in the new site as DC Downsizers find and report them to us
- Preparing to re-launch the Downsizer-Dispatch
Please keep the progress coming…
- Send your OSTA message to Congress if you haven’t done so this month.
- Contribute to help us recruit new OSTA supporters on Facebook.
Thanks for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Downsize DC