August 17, 2017

Downsize DC’s Greatest Hits

Keep your feedback coming! We haven’t been able to respond to all of it. But every message has been read, usually by more than one team member. That feedback has helped us identify and fix bugs, plus…

Set Priorities

Many of you have told us you miss our old blog posts. We’re gratified by this news and not entirely surprised. After all, there are more than 2,000 entries and articles!

But certain posts, one series in particular, kept coming up in the feedback. Which series was that?  width=

The U.S. military interventions series by Perry Willis.

Other articles were mentioned, as well. But thanks to the number of requests we received for these military history articles (that we run both pre-Veterans Day and pre-Memorial Day)…

– Were early U.S. wars good or bad?
– Did Teddy Roosevelt co-found the Japanese Empire?
– Did U.S. politicians choose the more evil side in World War 1?
– How U.S. politicians helped create the Soviet Union
– How blundering U.S. politicians enabled the rise of Nazi Germany
– How U.S. intervention in WW1 fostered the rise of radical Islam
– Was World War 2 a “good war?”

…we know that these are certainly the “Greatest Hits” of the Downsize DC blog. So we’re making it a priority to…

BRING BACK OUR GREATEST HITS. Put these military history blog posts on the new website, PLUS…

The other 2,000+ blog entries. Stay tuned.

Let’s quickly review our progress…

  1. We launched the new Downsize DC website (July 24). Our Engagement Toolbox has the sample letter embedded. No need to copy & paste. Sending a letter to your representatives is a breeze.
  2. We worked with Downsize DC Foundation (Zero Aggression Project), attorneys at William J. Olson, PC, and other partners to produce two amicus curiae briefs (July 25 & August 8).
  3. We announced record-breaking news: HR 395, the One Subject at a Time Act has 25 total sponsors in the House (August 14).

Now, on top of bringing back the blog content, including our greatest hits, we’re about to…

Relaunch our Plans & Progress newsletter, the Downsizer-Dispatch!

The return of the Downsizer-Dispatch is about getting back to our roots. The Dispatch…

  • Contained the daily marching orders for the Downsize DC Army.
  • Was stuffed with action, including strategic thinking and exciting progress.
  • Was the newsletter during our era of greatest growth.
  • Downsizers were eager to share it with friends.

By bringing along our blog posts and relaunching the Downsizer-Dispatch, we’re combining the old with the new and creating an exciting vintage brew.

To keep the progress coming, we need to hear from you.

We need new donors and new pledgers.

  • Pledgers give us a base that allows us to plan — to be aggressive.
  • One-time donors help us get through this complicated time of transition

We need both. From September of last year, until now, one donor has provided nearly half our support. He now wants evidence that others are going to get “skin in the game.”

Show him how much you value Downsize DC, whether it’s the greatest hits of our blog, the progress we’ve recently made on the One Subject at a Time Act, or the Action Items coming over the next few weeks. Please make a generous contribution or monthly pledge now.

Jim Babka, President, Inc.

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