On today’s Downsize DC Conference Call, my two-hour Sunday RADIO show, which airs at at 3:06 PM Eastern (2:06 PM Central, 1:06 PM Mountain, and 12:06 PM Pacific), we’ll be talking about the Real ID Act.
Not only do I contend that Real ID is not good for America, but I also believe it is anti-American. I’ll give you a great many details about what’s going on in the fight because we’re now at the point where we need to turn up the pressure at a national level. This will be a show that has some good news in it.
For the last two years the battle has shifted to the states on this issue and I really want to hear from the activists working in the states. What’s happening in your state?
Please let me know at CALL at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG (we ask that you type that address in as it sounds because if we provide a hyperlink, spam harvesting programs will snag the address, and I’ll end up with a bunch of junk in my show inbox).
To call-in during the show the toll-free number is 1-800-259-9231.
And, by the way, if you want to send a message to Congress asking them to repeal the Real ID Act, you can do so at the website, DownsizeDC.org.
Of course, since Gun Owners of America is my show sponsor, we’ll have a Gun Owners’ Update as well.
Speaking of show sponsors, you can make a difference if you become one. Please contact me at the show email address if you’re interested in learning the details.
The best way to hear the program is on the Genesis Communications Network website.
And previous episodes are available as mp3 “attachments” to posts on our DownsizeDC.org blog.
Happy Listening,
Jim Babka
Downsize DC Conference Call