Quote of the day:
“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
— Mark Twain
Subj: Radio and More
In this message . . .
* Volunteer Wanted: We need a body-builder/model
* A radio appearance this afternoon on Straight Talk with Jerry Hughes
* A radio appearance on Free Talk Live with Ian and Mark
* An action item to support a Downsize DC partner
* Downsize DC on Free Minds TV
But first . . .
Real ID on the Downsize DC Conference Call
We are now just a little more than a month away from the original deadline for implementation of the Real ID Act (Real ID). Because of 17 states who have, at various levels, refused to cooperate, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has pushed back the required implementation date. But May 11, 2008 still remains a deadline of sorts.
The deadline situation is kind of complicated, but on my Sunday radio show I’ll explain it quite clearly, and I’ll share with you some new information that is emerging about the motives and history behind this program (Hint: There were forces working to pass it before 9/11 and it might well be one of the biggest corporate welfare scams in our nation’s history).
A couple of weeks ago I had Jim Harper of the CATO Institute on my program. He’s been one of my two “go to” guys on Real ID. And many of the arguments I use against Real ID have come from him. We were quite thorough in our review of the problems with Real ID. You can download an mp3 of the show from the DownsizeDC.org blog
But I feel the need to revisit this issue. In fact, DownsizeDC.org intends to revisit this issue a few times between now and May 11.
So why am I telling you about my Sunday radio show on Friday? Because you can help make the show.
If you are an activist who has been involved in the REAL ID fight in your state, I’d like to get a report from you. Please, send me an email telling me what’s happening regarding this issue in your state. Let me know if you’d be available to make a brief appearance on Sunday’s show. The show email address (which we present in long-hand to keep spam harvesters from grabbing it, because trust me, they do and it causes problems) is CALL at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG (just type that in).
We will send out a reminder with programming details on Sunday morning.
Radio Appearances
Today, I’ll be on two radio shows.
First, I’ll be making my normal Friday appearance on Straight Talk with Jerry Hughes.
My hour-long appearance begins at 3:05 PM Eastern time (2:05 PM Central, 1:05 PM Mountain, 12:05 PM Pacific). To listen online go to www.AccentRadioNetwork.com
Because I appear most Fridays, Jerry and I are way past the simple sound bite stage. Tune in and you’re likely to hear me getting and answering questions on a variety of subjects — some of which make my palms sweat; but answer I do.
And it’s even better when you call and participate.
The toll-free call-in number: 1-866-222-2368
Or use email: Jerry at AccentRadio dot com.
As always with media appearances, changes can happen at the last minute.
Second, I’ll be on Free Talk Live with Ian and Mark this evening at a little past 7:00 PM Eastern (6 PM Central, 5 PM Mountain, and 4 PM Pacific). It’s been awhile since I’ve been on this popular and expanding show — now on 30 stations. I love this show. And I hope you’ll listen. Both a station list and a Listen Live feature are available at www.FreeTalkLive.com
Which brings us to today’s Action Item: We have a message from Free Talk Host, Ian Bernard . . .
DC Downsizers,
It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me in a Downsizer-Dispatch. If you’re new to DownsizeDC.org, you may not be aware of my radio show, Free Talk Live. My name is Ian and I’m one of the hosts of the show. Not only are we DC Downsizers but we’re also spreading the message of Liberty over 30 radio stations from coast to coast. Aside from our radio affiliates, we also have a fairly popular podcast and each month our listeners go and vote for us on one of the premier podcast websites.
The reason you haven’t heard from me in a while is that we haven’t needed your help to keep winning this poll. Since about May of last year we’ve taken first place in the voting contest every single month. That is, until last month, when we unexpectedly finished fourth. This month we continue to trail the competition.
The good news is it will only take a few hundred votes to put us back on top. Will you take a moment to vote for Free Talk Live? It’s quick, easy, secure, and actually helps new people discover Downsize DC. Vote now at http://vote.freetalklive.com
Your e-mail address is required, but is only used for verification purposes and will not be spammed or sold. Please vote now at http://vote.freetalklive.com
Thank you!
Ian Bernard
DC Downsizer and Host of Free Talk Live
A group of young people interviewed me in January for their New Hampshire TV show, now found on four public access stations and the Internet. Since that interview, each week, they have a standard show segment titled, “Downsizer Dispatch.” It’s a clever name, don’t you think?
Toby and Nick, and their wonderful crew, put on a good show. And we’re pleased that they bring DownsizeDC.org material to their listeners each and every week. So we want to take this opportunity to encourage you to check out FreeMindsTV.com
Help Wanted
We need a VOLUNTEER interested in, or with experience in, modeling. We can’t get into details here, but our preference is for an attractive bodybuilder who has access to a professional photographer.
If you’re interested in helping out, please contact us, at HELPWANTED at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG (remember, just type that out), preferably with a LINK to a photograph of yourself.
Please do NOT send attachments. We cannot risk opening them. A free and easy service that will permit you to upload files and photos, then provide you a link you can email to us, is www.FileMojo.com
Happy Listening,
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.