January 22, 2018

We have it in our power to legalize marijuana RIGHT NOW!

These bills would legalize marijuana instantly, if only the apathetic majority would ACT! Retweet

There’s growing support in Congress for liberalized marijuana laws. More bills point in that direction. Two of the bills would achieve full, federal legalization, and they’re getting sponsors! Here’s what we think…

If every American who supports marijuana legalization would ask their reps for it, right now, it would happen in a matter of days.

After all, roughly 80-million Americans (64%) now favor marijuana legalization. And, as we have argued before, politicians pay attention to polls. That’s why we’re seeing more legalization bills, and more sponsors for them. But, as we have also argued before…

Congress tends to move slowly when public opinion changes. Pressure is needed to inspire action, and that pressure must exceed the force pushing against you. But that could easily be accomplished if only half of the people who favor legalization took action. In fact…

We could legalize marijuana instantly if only the 64-million libertarians acted.

But too many of us remain apathetic and docile. So we must proceed in tiny increments when so much more is possible. 

For our part, if we have your help, we will continue trying to find and mobilize both the dormant libertarians and the people who agree with us on individual issues. We’ve added 402 of them since November. So…

If you agree with that goal, what does it mean for you to help us?

  • Open and read these Dispatches
  • Do every action (you agree with)
  • Forward our action items to like-minded friends, especially libertarians
  • Follow us on Facebook, if you have an account, and set your follow to “See First.”
  • Share our Facebook action items (when you agree with them)
  • Help us increase recruitment from mere hundreds to multiple thousands, either with an occasional donation, or a monthly pledge. Our current monthly pledges run from $2 to $250.

For today it means…

Take action on the positive bills that have been introduced in Congress.

  1. The Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment protects marijuana states from federal tyranny, but it must be extended yearly. It’s EXPIRED and needs extending now! Urge your reps to do that.
  2. The Respect State Marijuana Laws Act (H.R. 975) says that the cannabis provisions of the Controlled Substances Act “shall not apply to any person acting in compliance with State laws relating to the production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, or delivery of marijuana.” This bill has momentum. It has moved from 24 to 40 cosponsors in a matter of days. Ask your reps to co-sponsor.
  3. Help reps like Justin Amash get more cosponsors for the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act (HR 1227). This bill removes marijuana from the Controlled Substances Schedule 1 (effectively legalizing it at the federal level) while prohibiting marijuana importation into states where it remains illegal.

Remember, success can be had if YOU

  • Open our messages
  • Do the actions
  • Forward them to like-minded people
  • Follow us on Facebook and set your “Follow” to “See First.”
  • Share our Facebook action posts
  • Make a donation or start a monthly pledge to fund the discovery, recruitment, and mobilization of 64-million dormant libertarians.

Thanks for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,

Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Downsize DC

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