What if 64-million libertarians contacted Congress at the same time? Retweet
We’ve been stressing these points…
- The politicians pay attention to your letters just like they do opinion polls
- DC Downsizers got our One Subject at a Time Act introduced in Congress on two different occasions. Contacting Congress works!
The numbers might even be in your favor…
- It takes fewer people pressuring Congress to have an impact than it takes to win an election, so pressuring Congress is where your focus should be.
- Libertarians have a special advantage when pressuring Congress because we will be the “swing position” on matters of controversy between Left and Right.
- 64-million Americans either self-describe as libertarian or take libertarian positions on most issues. This equalizes us with the Left and Right, but only if we can find those people and activate them. Our campaigns to pressure Congress are a great way to do both things (see below).
That means you should…
- Open every Downsizer-Dispatch and do the requested action, so long as you agree with it.
- “Follow” us on Facebook and set your follow to “See First.” Then do every action (you agree with) that we post on Facebook.
- Share our emails with like-minded people and ask them to take action too.
- Promote our action items on your social networking pages.
These actions will start to find and activate those 64-million idle libertarians!
It’s especially important that you send a monthly message on each of our transpartisan agenda bills — the One Subject at a Time Act, the Read the Bills Act, and the Write the Laws Act.
A weekly message to Congress on each bill would be even better. Remember, your elected reps work for you! You can and should issue them instructions as often as you like. Be assertive! Which brings us to a new point we want to stress…
Failing to contact Congress protects them from libertarian ideas!
Do you want to allow them to more easily pursue their own desires, without concern for what you want? No! Imagine instead what the politicians would think if they heard…
- More libertarian proposals
- From more of their constituents
- On more issues
- More often!
Do you think they might begin to feel nervous? …like they better pay attention to you? We think so. In other words…
The libertarian message you send on issue “A” can buttress the libertarian message you send on issue “B.”
So we passionately believe that you should make the following a personal goal…
I want to increase the amount of libertarian pressure being felt in Congress every single day!
Here’s what you can do right now…
- If you haven’t sent a January message in support of OSTA, please do that now.
- If you’ve already sent your January OSTA message then please send a message in support of RTBA (the Read the Bills Act).
- If you’ve already done both of those actions then please send a message telling your elected reps to introduce Downsize DC’s WLTA (Write the Bills Act). Remember, this bill will prevent Executive Branch bureaucrats from imposing rules on you. Congress must specifically pass every rule that you will be forced to obey.
“Extra credit” actions…
- If you’re on Facebook, but not yet following us there, please do “Follow” us. Remember, set your follow to “See First,” otherwise you might only hear from us when we pay Facebook to show you a posting.
- We can currently recruit new DC Downsizers for (far) less than $2 each. Please make a contribution or start a monthly pledge so we can recruit more people to expand our pressure on Congress.
Thanks for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Downsize DC