Killing innocent people is murder, even when the President does it. Retweet
Nixon infamously suggested wrong could become right if the President was the person committing the act. By bombing Syria, President Trump seems to be tapping into his inner-Nixon. Meanwhile, Congress stands by, guilty of criminal negligence.
Tell President Trump that he has no constitutional authority to commit acts of aggression against foreign countries absent a congressional declaration of war.
- His Syrian missile attacks violate the supreme law of the land. That makes them criminal acts.
- These acts are sure to have killed innocent Syrians. Deaths caused by illegal acts of war are murder. Partisan ears may not want to hear this, but Presidents who do this are murderers, be they named Trump or Obama.
Mr. Trump must make amends by promising to commit no future such acts of aggression. He should bring our troops home. Tell him so.
But don’t stop there. Put Congress on notice too.
Tell Congress to reclaim its constitutional war-making power. Congress must take action to prevent presidential acts of aggression. Give them their orders.
- Send your letter protesting the Syrian missile attack to President Trump, then…
- Send your letter telling Congress to reclaim the war-making power and stop the President from creating American enemies.
- Forward this message to friends you think might agree! Ask them to join you in sending a letter.
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Thanks for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Downsize DC