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October 28, 2007

Potluck Program

What’s happening on Sunday’s Downsize DC Conference Call (radio show)?

Potluck. Or, as my friends Ian and Mark would say, “free talk.” How are some suggestions . . .

* Why is Downsize DC so great?
* Why did cough syrup go up by a $1 this week?
* How will Downsize DC save the world?
* Which political cliché do you hate the most?
* Who is the most overrated politician and why?
* Whose the worst TV commentator and why?
* In a just world would Jim Babka be President? Why or why not?

But those are just suggestions.

I don’t have much idea what I’m going to talk about, except . . .

I will definitely talk about Gun Owners of America — one of my sponsors. Right now, they’re staring down the National Rifle Association, who is helping gun-hating politicians pass the first significant gun control in a decade. I think I’ll have lots to say about GOA.

But you can direct the show. Please, be interesting. Don’t bore the audience. C’mon, I know you can do it. Let’s have fun.

The number is 1-800-259-9231
You can email me at CALL at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG

(NOTE: We write that out long-hand so the automated spam harvesters can’t grab it. Also, if you just hit reply to this message and don’t use that address, I won’t get your question by show time).

My one-hour Sunday program starts at 4:06 PM Eastern (3:06 PM Central, 2:06 PM Mountain, and 1:06 PM Pacific). And the best way to hear it is at

Archived episodes are available in mp3 format at the blog.

Happy Listening,

Jim Babka
Downsize DC Conference Call

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