What’s happening on Sunday’s Downsize DC Conference Call (radio show)?
Potluck. Or, as my friends Ian and Mark would say, “free talk.” How are some suggestions . . .
* Why is Downsize DC so great?
* Why did cough syrup go up by a $1 this week?
* How will Downsize DC save the world?
* Which political cliché do you hate the most?
* Who is the most overrated politician and why?
* Whose the worst TV commentator and why?
* In a just world would Jim Babka be President? Why or why not?
But those are just suggestions.
I don’t have much idea what I’m going to talk about, except . . .
I will definitely talk about Gun Owners of America — one of my sponsors. Right now, they’re staring down the National Rifle Association, who is helping gun-hating politicians pass the first significant gun control in a decade. I think I’ll have lots to say about GOA.
But you can direct the show. Please, be interesting. Don’t bore the audience. C’mon, I know you can do it. Let’s have fun.
The number is 1-800-259-9231
You can email me at CALL at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG
(NOTE: We write that out long-hand so the automated spam harvesters can’t grab it. Also, if you just hit reply to this message and don’t use that address, I won’t get your question by show time).
My one-hour Sunday program starts at 4:06 PM Eastern (3:06 PM Central, 2:06 PM Mountain, and 1:06 PM Pacific). And the best way to hear it is at GCNLive.com.
Archived episodes are available in mp3 format at the DownsizeDC.org blog.
Happy Listening,
Jim Babka
Downsize DC Conference Call