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October 27, 2007

Urgent Saturday Action Item

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .

Subject: Urgent Saturday Action Item

We don’t normally send you Saturday action items, but some of our allies have just alerted us that we need to do so today.

The annual bloated corporate welfare farm bill is coming up for a vote, perhaps as soon as Monday. A new version of this bill is passed almost every year, and it is always bad — a monstrous rape of the taxpayers for the benefit of the wealthy and well-connected. We plan, in the near future, to begin a permanent campaign against this bill, but in the meantime . . .

We need to strike at a particular part of this year’s bill — funding for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). We have been campaigning against NAIS for a long time, bombarding Congress with more than 30,000 messages. We need to make another push this morning.

We have a long explanation of NAIS and why it’s bad on our campaign page. We won’t repeat it here. Suffice it to say that NAIS will strangle small family farms to the benefit of big corporate farms. Please send Congress a message asking them to stop the Department of Agriculture from implementing NAIS.

Our coalition allies ask that you specifically request that Section 10305 be removed from the Farm Bill. You can do that in your personal comments. Send your message here.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

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