I went to Congress two weeks ago. I came back with LOTS OF GOOD NEWS!
First, we used a new tactic to get more appointments. It worked!
You asked your reps to have their staffs meet with me. Nine offices responded resulting in four appointments!
- Alex for Congressman Rob Woodall, Georgia
- Jenna for Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania
- Robert for Congressman Kenny Marchant, Texas
- Jason for Congressman Francisco “Quico” Canseco, Texas
I also dropped literature for Jason at Congressman Tom Graves’ office. And I received invites for future visits at the following offices . . .
- Congressman Dennis A. Ross, Florida
- Congressman Adrian Smith, Nebraska
- Congressman Rick Berg, North Dakota
- Senator Chuck Grassley, Iowa
- Senator Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
And I had already scheduled the following appointments . . .
- Will for Rep. Justin Amash, Michigan
- Robert for Rep. Tom Marino, Pennsylvania (the sponsor for “One Subject”)
- Norm for Rep. Ron Paul, Texas
- Doug and Seana for Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky (the Senate sponsor for “One Subject,” “Read the Bills,” and “Write the Laws”)
Our attorney, Bill Olson, DONATED his time to join me for my meetings with the Rand Paul office plus two other House staffers. Here’s what these appointments produced . . .
Senator Rand Paul
Senator Paul will be RE-introducing all of our bills in the next session.
A few improvements will be needed for the “One Subject at a Time Act.” We will need to coordinate these with the House sponsor, Representative Tom Marino.
Representative Tom Marino
This meeting was about gaining new OSTA co-sponsors. One exciting possibility is that a famous friend of the Congressman’s may help publicize OSTA in 2013. Stay tuned!
Representative Justin Amash
These guys are great! They read every bill, and vote NO if the leadership doesn’t provide enough time for the reading. These guys understand the need to reform the process.
They also gave me an important suggestion that might improve all of our bills!
I've also had two follow-up phone calls with this office since our meeting. They have a strong interest in our “Write the Laws Act.” And they might become an OSTA co-sponsor, if we can address one concern they have.
Representative Rob Woodall
Alex asked good questions and showed interest in OSTA and WTLA.
Representative Mike Fitzpatrick
Jenna asked to be put in touch with Marino's office about OSTA. I did that and Marino's office has already contacted her.
Representative Kenny Marchant
Robert saw the political value of OSTA.
But there's MORE . . .
I got to address 120+ top conservatives — movers and shakers. The organizer is one of the most powerful men in Washington. He placed me at the head table. He likes our bills. And two people approached me, after I spoke, to offer help.
Another attendee joined me for lunch. His group is creating a six point Transparency Agenda for a Romney administration and a Republican Congress. Our “Read the Bills Act” is one of the six!
But here’s the best news of all . . .
One other meeting made my phone ring when I returned home. I can’t tell you everything, but I can share this . . .
- We’re about 99% likely to have a House sponsor for “Write the Laws” in the next session!
- I’ll be surprised if it doesn't attract immediate co-sponsors.
- We’re about 90% likely to have an RTBA sponsor in the House!
- And odds are extremely good that we’ll have new House OSTA co-sponsors too!
This trip was so successful that I plan to return early next year, and then again a few months later.
But I need your help to build on this success!
We’ve been busy creating and promoting our new foundation initiative — the Zero Aggression Project. The response has been great and encouraging. But we still need to . . .
- Keep Downsize DC going too
- Alter DownsizeDC.org to FOCUS on our bills — RTBA, OSTA, WTLA
- Create our other new project — DENY CONSENT — which will be both an act of open yet peaceful rebellion, and a crucial support to both Downsize DC and the Zero Aggression Project
Here’s how you can help do all of the above, while also getting your name added to the Founders Committee for our other up-and-coming new website for DENY CONSENT.
Yes, there will be two Founders Committees, one for ZAP, and one for DENY CONSENT. This is what we have to do to fund all of the work required to create all of these new tools. So here’s the deal . . .
We're at month's end. DownsizeDC.org still needs $4,300 to make budget. You can help us do this and become a DENY CONSENT Co-Founder at the same time!
To become a DENY CONSENT Co-Founder . . .
- Use the secure form at DownsizeDC.org
- Contribute $100 or more, one-time, or…
- Start a monthly credit card pledge for $10 or more
- Founders are ranked by gift size. Pledges are annualized in that calculation.
Or, because we want to make it possible for everyone to participate…
Become an Associate Founder by . . .
- Contributing $10 or more, or…
- Starting a monthly credit card pledge for $1 or more
- Use the same secure form at DownsizeDC.org
I’m invigorated by all this good news. I hope you are too!
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.