October 31, 2017

Are you being shut-out and excluded?

Are you being shut-out from the new Downsizer-Dispatch?

TIP: Everyone that OPENS this message will likely get it only ONCE.

At Downsize DC, we’ve implemented new technology. Doing something the first time is governed by Murphy’s Law…

If anything can go wrong, it will.

The new technology we’re implementing is a system to send our NEWSLETTER, the Downsizer-Dispatch.

Some feedback we’ve received indicates that some people did NOT get our first three messages.

Are you one of those people?

We don’t want to lose faithful readers who value Downsize DC, especially if that’s YOU.

  • That’s why this message is being sent using our old technology. And…
  • We’re going to keep sending it, until we believe we’ve heard from everyone.

We always post our newsletter messages on our blog for future reference. If you want to read them, here are the Dispatches we sent…

Wherein we Thank and then Spank Donald Trump
Published Wed., Oct. 25, 2017

Another Supreme Court success!!
Published Fri., Oct. 27, 2017

How and why politicians exploit Veterans Day
Published Tue., Oct. 31, 2017

If you do NOT think you got one of these messages, we recommend…

FIRST STEP: Do a search, in your email program, to see if the message ended up in a folder other than your Inbox. Then, move it to your inbox and mark it important so you don’t miss future issues of the Dispatch. But if you do NOT find it…

SECOND STEP: Send us an email. Just press the Reply button. We’ll get it. We’ll inspect your record and begin remedying the matter.

We don’t want to miss anyone or cut anyone out of the Downsize DC Army because of a technical glitch. So let me explain something…

If you’ve opened this message then…

  • When we RESEND this message, you won’t get it. And…
  • If you click on a hyperlink in this message, that increases the odds that this is the last time you’ll see it.

We apologize, in advance, if you do get this message again. It means we couldn’t track your open. And we hope you’ll patiently agree that we don’t want to miss someone who wants to keep getting these messages.

Jim Babka, President
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

If your comment is off-topic for this post, please email us at feedback@downsizedc.org


One Comment

  1. dann ---------------
    Posted May 21, 2018 at 9:36 am | Permalink

    our “duty” is to ourselves first and then to others.
    “morality” is doing what is right no matter what we are told; “obedience” is doing what we are told no matter what is right.
    our “duty” is, first, what we owe to ourselves.
    the non-aggression principle is moral.
    self-defense is moral.

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