It’s more fun to cheer than jeer. We constantly criticize politicians and bang on them for doing the wrong thing. But it’s just as important to support those few who do good things. Representatives Schiff and Flake are doing good things. They’re fighting to prevent Presidents, present and future, from gaining the power to spy on Americans without a warrant. Schiff and Flake need your support and encouragement.
Part of the inspiration for’s lobbying system was the Medicare Prescription Drug bill. This boondoggle was the largest entitlement created in a generation. It is estimated that it will cost more than $700 billion over ten years. And it was passed because just two freshman Republicans, who had previously committed to opposing the bill, gave in to overwhelming pressure from the leaders of their party, including the President. We asked ourselves, “What if they knew lots of people were backing their play and paying attention?” Would they have broken?
In a case that seems a little like Deja vu, two Representatives Schiff and Flake, are fighting against warrantless searches and they need your support and encouragement. Schiff has offered legislation (HR 4976) that would reiterate and confirm that this or any future administration must seek warrants through the secret court established by the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Flake has cosponsored Schiff’s bill. Congressional Quarterly reports that difficult negotiations are happening as you read this. We don’t want Schiff and Flake to break.
Please call their offices. You can do this even if you do not reside in their districts. THANK THEM for their work to stop warrantless searches. ENCOURAGE THEM TO CONTINUE doing so. Here are their numbers . . .
Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ-6) at 202-225-2635
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA-29) at 202-225-4176
Time is on our side. Our goal, get Congress to go home for their campaign recess without giving in to this President.
Also, SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE to Congress as a whole (yes, your Senators too), opposing warrantless searches. Tell them to back HR 4976 or stall and pass nothing. You can do so here.
Our good work continues . . . This morning, President Jim Babka was on the Charles Goyette Show on KFNX 1100AM in Phoenix, Arizona. The topic was Read the Bills and, as usual, the host and the callers loved the idea.
We step-up our fundraising efforts in the second half of the month to make sure we get all the bills paid by the end of the month. The best way to help is with a monthly credit card micro-pledge of $3 or more, or a $10 or more macro-pledge. More monthly credit card pledges mean that eventually Jim (Sisyphus) Babka can stop pushing his fundraising rock up liability hill. One-time contributions also help. You can make one or the other here.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Perry Willis
Communications Director, Inc.