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August 29, 2011

Statism means always having to pay other people’s bills

I sent the letter below to Congress using our “Cut Spending” campaign.

The hardwired message to Congress on that campaign reads….

Please cut federal spending.

I added the following personal comments to this, which you can copy or edit to send your own letter….

You could start by cutting the following….

I see in “The Washington Post” that the Department of Agriculture is spending $103 million to provide broadband Internet to rural areas. This angers me on many levels….

* Broadband isn’t needed for agriculture, and should be no business of the Department of Agriculture

* But if broadband really does have value to agriculture then farmers can pay for it themselves

* Farmers already receive too much of my money in the form of subsidies, plus….

* I also have to pay more for my food because of these subsidies

In short, let rural people pay for their own broadband. But I’m not done being angry yet….

You people couldn’t manage to craft a spending deal that actually cuts the debt, but this bit of waste somehow survived. You’ve got to be kidding! Believe me….

If I could fire you, I would.


You can send your own letter here, using’s Educate the Powerful System.

My letter to Congress is based on this story from The Washington Post.<.a>

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