How we’ve moved a whole branch of government in a libertarian direction
Downsize DC keeps moving a branch of government in a libertarian direction Retweet NOTE: Donors to the Zodhiates brief are listed in the P.S. We lobby Congress, but we also…
Three arguments we’re making to the Supreme Court
Sure, it’s unconstitutional, but “we meant well” say prosecutors. A valid justification? Retweet Last week, we told you about the Zodhiates case, where cell phone data was obtained, by prosecutors,…
Will we take advantage of a Fourth Amendment game changer?
The perfect follow-up to the landmark Carpenter decision #4thAmend Retweet Together, we won a landmark decision with a series of Fourth Amendment, “get a warrant,” amicus briefs. Your investment in…
How YOU are re-STUFFING the Fourth Amendment
It’s time to build off of our success in Carpenter, with an amicus in Zodhiates Retweet We’ll be blunt. This is a fundraising appeal. If you don’t care about the…
Here’s one more 4th Amendment victory for Downsize DC
You won what might be the biggest Supreme Court decision of the last session Retweet We have ANOTHER victory to report. This one is Carpenter v. U.S. Downsize DC Foundation…
Downsize DC wins another 4th Amendment victory
Another Supreme Court victory for property rights and the 4th Amendment Retweet Our amicus briefs to the Supreme Court have changed the world. Our lawyers have uniquely argued that… The…