How we’ve moved a whole branch of government in a libertarian direction
Downsize DC keeps moving a branch of government in a libertarian direction Retweet NOTE: Donors to the Zodhiates brief are listed in the P.S. We lobby Congress, but we also…
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Tagged #FreeRoss, 4th Amendment, 6th Amendment, AFPF v Becerra, amicus curiae briefs, Carpenter v. U.S., Collins v Virginia, compelled donor disclosure by non-profits, compelled speech, email ownership, free press, Gorsuch, IFS v Becerra, NIFLA v. Becerra, non-profit donor disclosure, overturn the administrative state, repeal Obamacare, sentence reduction, Sotomayor, Texas v U.S., U.S. v Gundy, U.S. v. Ackerman, U.S. v. Zodhiates, Ulbricht/Silk Road, Write the Laws Act
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How YOU can help #FreeRoss Ulbricht of Silk Road
Silk Road: An economic simulation of what a world without aggression could be like #FreeRoss Retweet You’re about to learn: Who Ross Ulbricht is How The State persecuted him How…