That stink you smell is cronyism, not vaping
Big Tobacco is practicing #Statesploitation, using the FDA to crush competitors Retweet The FDA wants to ban vaping. Meanwhile, the FDA has approved a tobacco heating device sold by a…
Jim Babka on Air, January 10
Radio host Gary Nolan describes Jim Babka as an “out-of-the-box thinker.” In the Thurs. Jan 10 episode they spent the hour discussing drug legalization, the border wall, and “people prohibition,”…
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Tagged border wall, cartel creation, drug legalization, Gary Nolan Show, Jim Babka, people prohibition, vaping
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Make the FDA advisory rather than dictatorial
If the FDA is so wonderful, why does it have to be forced on people? Retweet Today’s action: Tell Congress to… Make the FDA advisory not dictatorial Teenage vaping leads to…