The FDA’s “skim” attempt to manipulate language and statesploit
FDA’s skim milk rule demonstrates why Congress should pass the Write the Laws Act Retweet Career bureaucrats in agencies like the FDA benefit from statesploitation. They keep their jobs no…
That stink you smell is cronyism, not vaping
Big Tobacco is practicing #Statesploitation, using the FDA to crush competitors Retweet The FDA wants to ban vaping. Meanwhile, the FDA has approved a tobacco heating device sold by a…
FDA threatens dogs everywhere
Will the FDA harm your dog the same way they harmed America’s waistline? Retweet Today’s action: Make the FDA advisory rather than dictatorial The FDA’s (Food & Drug Administration) dietary…
Make the FDA advisory rather than dictatorial
If the FDA is so wonderful, why does it have to be forced on people? Retweet Today’s action: Tell Congress to… Make the FDA advisory not dictatorial Teenage vaping leads to…
Should the FDA have power over you?
Downsize DC wants to make the FDA advisory, not dictatorial. Retweet We’re bringing back a bunch of old Downsize DC campaigns, starting with Make the FDA Advisory, not mandatory. More…
20 powerful ways to replace Obamacare
Politicians poisoned our healthcare system. They can only fix it by sucking out the politics