Assange prosecution assaults YOUR freedom of the press
If you have a freedom of the PRESS, then so does Julian Assange Retweet If Julian Assange is guilty of espionage, then so is The New York Times. President Trump’s Justice…
Julian Assange vs Conspiracy as Governance
Assange’s daring manifesto to undermine ‘Conspiracy as Governance’ Retweet An Update on our Pardon Assange action levels appears below. Are conspiracies against the American people a bad thing? Like, if…
Is Trump an establishment stooge, or will he…
Pardon Julian Assange Retweet THANKS to those who sent 1,800+ Pardon Assange letters to Trump and congressional reps. And… WELCOME to the 20 new DC Downsizers who sent letters. Let’s pour…
Trump could admit he’s an establishment stooge, or…
Will Trump protect the people’s champion, Julian Assange? Retweet Today’s Action… Tell President Trump pardon Julian Assange Politicians and bureaucrats leak classified information when it benefits their political position. Even…