Quote of the Day: “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.” — attributed to Thomas Jefferson
Subject: We still want to know what GROWTH goals would motivate you
Yesterday we asked you to tell us what 2009 GROWTH goals would excite you? We’re starting to get responses. We’ll share what we learn soon. If you haven’t responded yet, please do. Reply to this message and tell us the following . . .
“If Downsize DC set a goal for 2009 of recruiting X number of new Downsizers, and bombarding Congress with X number of messages, I would be willing to put in extra effort to help make that happen.”
Also tell us the kinds of things you’d be willing to do to help achieve your goals, and let us know if it’s okay to share your thoughts with others in a future Dispatch.
In the meantime, Congress is considering the “Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009.”. But “considering” is the wrong word.
This bill is 1,124 pages long. Almost every single sentence on each of these pages allocates millions of dollars. Think about that . . .
How long would it take you to consider the wisdom of a single multi-million-dollar project? Now multiply that amount of time by 10 or 20 projects per page, and multiply that number by 1,124 pages.
The truth is that there isn’t any “considering” going on in Congress. It wouldn’t be good manners to print the correct word for what Congress is really doing with this bill.
If you didn’t send your elected representatives a message yesterday instructing them to oppose the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, please use our quick and easy Educate the Powerful System to do so now.
If you sent a message on this bill yesterday, please hit Congress again using our “One Subject at a Time Act.” Tell your elected representatives that each of the appropriations in the Omnibus bill should be voted on as a stand-alone bill. Tell them to oppose the “Omnibus Appropriations Act” and introduce the “One Subject at a Time Act.”
And don’t forget to hit reply to this message and tell us what 2009 growth goals would excite you.
Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.