Quote of the Day: “In the long run, men hit only what they aim at.” — Henry David Thoreau
Subject: What goals would motivate you?
We want to hear from you. Specifically, we want to know what growth goals would motivate you to take greater action? Please leave a comment below and tell us the following . . .
“If Downsize DC set a goal for 2009 of recruiting X number of new Downsizers, and bombarding Congress with X number of messages, I would be willing to put in extra effort to make that happen.”
Also tell us the kinds of things you’d be willing to do to help achieve your goals, and let us know if it’s okay to share your thoughts with others in a future Dispatch.
In the meantime, can we march to new heights in March?
Let’s get off to a good start by pounding Congress on the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009.
The House has already passed this bill by a vote of 245 to 178, with 8 members not voting.
But the bill still has to pass the Senate, and it will probably come back for a final vote in both chambers. So let’s hit both chambers.
This bill will . . .
* Spend a whopping $410 billion
* Cost the average American family $4,195
This orgy of spending comes immediately on the heels of the nearly $800 billion scam-stimulus bill. It’s loaded with pork spending including items like these . . .
* $764,000 for the Lake George Watershed Protection Initiative in New York
* $1.1 million for water treatment plant improvements in Unicoi County, Tennessee
* $55,000 for meteorological equipment for Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California
* $9.9 million for science enhancement at South Carolina colleges
None of these projects represent Constitutional functions of the federal government. And do you think any member of Congress has any idea whether any of these projects are worth the money budgeted for them? More importantly . . .
Can you afford to spend $4,195 of your family’s money on projects like these? Senator Charles Schumer of New York says that taxpayers don’t really care if Congress spends money this way.
Can you prove him wrong by bombarding Congress with objections?
Please use our quick and easy Educate the Powerful System to send Congress a message.
Use your personal comments to ask your Representatives to vote NO on the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009. You can also use the bullets points in this message to provide reasons why you oppose this bill.
Please also use the bullet points to write emails to friends, asking them to join Downsize DC by sending a message opposing this bill.
Finally, don’t forget to reply to this email with your thoughts about what goals would motivate you in 2009.
Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.