The “immoral irony” behind most welfare programs Retweet
Contrary to popular opinion…
Libertarians are NOT opposed to welfare programs!
That’s because welfare programs come in two types…
- Voluntary: Persuasion and voluntary association raise the funds. Because the funds have to be earned and are limited, they are spent wisely.
- Coercive: Because taxes are confiscated funds that are politically distributed, there’s a lot of waste.
Only libertarians recognize that the coercive type is an immoral irony — the use of funds confiscated by violence from the unwilling fails to deliver greater compassion and enhanced community. Welfare is too important to get it wrong. That’s why…
Downsize DC promotes the UCCA (Universal Charitable Credit Act).
The UCCA is a tax credit. You…
Give to a charity, then…
Claim a tax credit up to $500 ($1,000 if filing married-jointly).
A tax credit is not a mere deduction. It’s a dollar-for-dollar reduction of your final income tax bill. That means…
- The Capitol Hill gang gets less of your money.
- Your favorite cause gets that cash instead.
Call that “win-win.”
That’s why the UCCA is a part of the Downsize DC Agenda, along with the One Subject at a Time Act, Write the Laws Act, Free Competition in Currency Act, and Read the Bills Act.
Like all of those bills, it’s HIGH-LEVERAGE. Plus…
- It lives up to our single-subject principle. It’s mere two-page bill.
- It’s already a working law in Arizona. Not some unproven scheme.
- It’s been introduced in various states, thanks to our allies at We Do Better. We Do Better receives support from both the left and right in this effort, so…
Like most of our Agenda, it’s transpartisan.
There are two ACTIONS for you to take TODAY…
FIRST, send a letter to your Representative and two Senators asking them to introduce this bill at the federal level. We’ve made this easy with our Political Leverage Machine. Sending your message is easy, yet it makes you powerful.
SECOND, and don’t miss this… It costs, Inc. $1 per letter sender to make this Political Leverage Machine work. More letter senders would…
- reduce the cost per letter sender.
- give us more resources to recruit more letter senders.
With each new voice added, yours is better heard. Indeed…
Our best ads require us to invest $4 to recruit each new DC Downsizer. So, here’s what we’re going to recommend you do to magnify your voice…
Determine how many new DC Downsizers you want to recruit. It’s up to you! Multiply that by $4. Do you want 100? Send $400. Want five? Send $20.
And if you think the number you can afford to give isn’t sufficient, then convert that into a monthly pledge. You can do the calculation: Take your pledge, multiply it by 12, then divide that product by 4. Indeed, the average, new monthly pledge is $14. Over 12 months, that’s a whopping 168 new DC Downsizers!
That’s incredible leverage. But only if you use it!
If you have a Facebook account, you can see the ad we’re running for the UCCA here:
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC
I’d much rather support H.R. 25 which gives every one a tax credit and also leads to the end of the IRS.
We’re aware of the FairTax. We researched this heavily about a decade ago, and on balance we think it’s a potentially huge improvement over the present system. I will admit to not looking at this since this Congress was in session. But last I checked, it would NOT actually end the IRS or (more importantly) the Income Tax. That required a separate bill. Has that changed? I think the likelihood is that they’d phase out the income tax, at first, and the complete phase out would never actually arrive.