Downsize DC is moving in a winning direction Retweet
Today’s action item: End business subsidies
The Downsize DC Army is growing. 1,066 have joined us since the start of July. And we hope that’s just a beginning because what we really want is to FIND and ACTIVATE the 30-60 million adults who either identify as libertarian or hold mostly libertarian views.
That population size is within shooting distance of what the Left and the Right have, but those two groups are already FOUND and ACTIVATED.
Only the libertarian population is dormant and apathetic.
We want to change this. We must change this. We need you to help us wake the sleeping giant. Please understand…
It doesn’t matter what strategy you prefer for taming the leviathan state — elections, initiatives, jury nullification, civil disobedience — all of them require more active libertarians. Personally, we want to see all of these strategies pursued. But we focus on pressuring Congress for three reasons…
- It’s one of the easiest actions you can take, and therefore one of the quickest ways to mobilize a dormant libertarian.
- It will take far fewer people to influence Congress than replace Congress.
- Using Downsize DC to activate dormant libertarians could build the constituency you need to win on Election Day.
That is why we stress two things over-and-over…
- Do something each day to FIND and ACTIVATE dormant libertarians.
- Do something each day to increase the amount of libertarian pressure Congress feels.
You can do that second thing right now, using a new campaign we’ve added to the Our Proposals page on our website: End business subsidies.
Go send your letter immediately. And make it part of your daily life to send at least one message to Congress on some issue each day. Be pushy and persistent.
Then do something to help your Downsize DC Army grow. Reach out to your libertarian friends. Ask them if they’re involved in Downsize DC. Tell them what we’re trying to do and ask them to join too by sending this same letter. Plus…
Do something to fuel our recruitment advertising. Any contribution at all will help.
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC