Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…
It’s unusual that the first Downsizer-Dispatch you’ve received this week would come on a Thursday. We’ve even got people asking us, “Where have you been? Is Congress taking a vacation? Are things all-right in Washington?” With Congress? Of course not.
But for, nearly everything has been going swimmingly. Each month we’ve grown. Each month we’ve made progress. We’ve recently had our first (albeit minor) victory. And, thanks to your inspiration, we’ve had two Congressmen introduce watered-down versions of the Read the Bills Act.
The future is indeed bright.
But then, there’s still a challenge. Around here, we call it the “lagging indicator.”
You see, statistics can climb, accomplishments can mount, but financial growth always seems to lag behind. How do we capitalize on our successes? How do we keep growing and grow faster? For that, we need money.
I hate writing fundraising appeals. I had rather focus on what Congress is doing. But I recognize that part of being aggressive and determined is making sure we pay the bills. As Morton Blackwell said, “You can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent.”
All year, we’ve met our monthly fundraising goals. However, Summer is coming and those are always challenging months. People are distracted by vacations, home improvement projects, and so forth. That’s why it’s vital that we meet all of our monthly goals from January to May.
Well, guess what? We’re behind for May – way behind. Each month from January to May, we needed to raise $14,000. Each month, we’ve done so. But so far this month, we’ve only raised $7,017.
We can’t stand pat. We must keep moving forward. And so, we need your help. We’ve signed up more than 2,500 new people this year. If each of them donated $10, we’d have $25,000! If you’ve never donated to, please do so now.
There are 21,669 people on our email list. If everyone receiving this message donated $10, we’d have $216,690. That would be enough to cover all remaining operational expenses for the rest of the year, with money left-over to expand our outreach and really build our growth!
Unfortunately, not everyone will contribute. In fact, past experience tells me that less than 1% will respond. That’s why I’d like to encourage you to consider a contribution of $76. If 100 people would respond with contributions of that amount, we’d exceed our goal.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to pledge. Each month, our pledge base has increased. We’re making excellent progress. However, our largest monthly pledger just informed us that he needs to discontinue his pledge. That wiped out nearly two months worth of progress on this front. Stuff happens. Obviously, the larger our base of monthly pledges, the less distracted we are by fundraising. Please consider making a monthly pledge now.
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
If you’d prefer to mail your contribution…
1931 15th St.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
And please send us an email letting us know you mailed the check.