Monthly Archives: April 2007
Downsize DC Conference Call – April 29, 2007 edition
You can listen to this episode by downloading the mp3 “attachment” to this blog post. The show’s agenda was described in the previous blog post.::::::Basically, I raced — I mean I talked so fast it was barely coherent — about all the things the federal government, Congress in particular, is going to give us, and upon which we’ll have to act urgently, this month. ::::::For kicks, see if you can guess the secret sound in the background during the final segment. Use comments below to offer your guess. ::::::The Downsize DC Conference Call is sponsored by, Inc. and Gun Owners of America.
Congressional Onslaught
Are you ready? This is going to be a busy month. Congress has a lot planned for us.
:::Starting next week, you’ll begin seeing Urgent Action Items. We expect that to be a regular occurrence up until Memorial Day.
:::The last month the miscreants on Capitol Hill had us this busy was September. And we won one of those campaigns! As I sit here writing this to you now, my hunch is that we’ll think September was a “walk in the park,” by comparison.
:::On today’s Downsize DC Conference Call, my Sunday radio show, I’ll tell you what’s coming down the pike.
:::Will we be capable of keeping up the pace necessary to stop Congress from doing so many bad things?
A bill that repeals
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Subject: A bill to repeal the online gambling ban::::::Pressure on Congress works. People all over the Internet, including DC Downsizers, have been pressuring Congress to repeal the ban on transferring money to online gambling sites.::::::We’re starting to see a response.
Congress, April 16-21
This is the legislation Congress passed for April 16 to 21, 2007.
Downsize DC Conference Call – April 22, 2007 edition
Boy, this show was “smoking hot.” Four callers. Nine emailers. And the messages kept coming even after the show was over (nearly a half-dozen more). And, I’ve received additional messages asking if there was somewhere to listen. Well, you can. “Attached” to this blog post is an mp3 of this episode. ::::::What was all the fuss about? I previewed the show in our Sunday morning Downsizer-Dispatch. ::::::My monologue was, if I may say so, powerful and spot-on. :::My guest, Jack Mullen, gave great insight into life with a schizophrenic. :::”Captain Phil” was an All-Star caller, with insight on how to deal with a Virginia Tech/Columbine style crisis if you’re in the room with the shooter. :::Chuck from Georgia had the email of the day with the three questions the media should have (but didn’t) ask all of the survivors. ::::::What a wonderful coincidence that Gun Owners of America is also a sponsor of this program. ::::::Oh, and if you’re interested in reading the entire Butler Schaffer article I quoted, you’ll find “The Control Cult,” here.
A few weeks ago, I was chastised in messages from Downsizer-Dispatch subscribers for writing that there were 535 miscreants on Capitol Hill. The complainants suggested that either there was at least one good person up there — and generally they named their favorites — or that this was unprofessional ad hominem. ::::::My first instinct was to