Monthly Archives: July 2007
Fear deadline
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Subject: Making illegal things legal using fear and fraud, plus other urgent stuff::::::President Bush wants Congress to legalize his illegal spying on Americans. The current vehicle for doing this is HR 3138. The fuel for driving this vehicle is fear and fraud.::::::Recently, the TSA reported that terrorists have been conducting dry runs in airports preparatory to a new attack. These supposed dry runs were no such thing. One involved a leaky ice-bottle, the other involved Wisconsin cheese in a suitcase next to cell phone equipment. ::::::The TSA determined immediately that they were NOT dry runs, but a report was leaked to the media saying the exact opposite. We assert that these false reports were designed to induce fear.
Victory plus urgency
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“Simply having rules does not change the things that people want to do. You have to change incentives.”:::– Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia::::::Subject: Victory plus urgent action needed::::::We won another one. The provisions related to the National Animal Identification System were stripped out of the agriculture bill!::::::See, pressure works!::::::Better yet, President Bush says he will veto the agriculture bill because it does not cap subsidies for millionaire farmers. Finally, a good veto from the Decider! ::::::But we can’t savor our victory for long. More votes are coming in Congress and we need to take urgent action.
Downsize DC Conference Call – July 29, 2007 edition
This episode was previewed in the Sunday Downsizer-Dispatch. My guest was Kent Snyder, Chair of the Ron Paul for President campaign. ::::::This show is hosted by and Gun Owners of America.
Ron Paul Campaign Chairman
Kent Snyder, Ron Paul’s campaign chair, will be my guest on the Downsize DC Conference Call today (Sunday).
:::The occasion? Well, there are two things.
:::First, the Iowa straw poll is coming up in just under two weeks. What are the campaign plans? …expectations?
:::Second, an online writer speculated that Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential campaign was provoked by a call from Karl Rove who wanted the Congressman to run in order to undermine the Libertarian Party.
Stop funding for REAL ID
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.”:::– Jonathan Swift::::::Subject: Stop funding for REAL ID::::::UPDATE: We didn’t win on the medical marijuana amendment, but we made more progress. The amendment garnered 165 votes — two more than last year. ::::::The problem remains the Republicans who want to continue to look tough on drugs to their base. Frankly, if you asked these Republican politicians what they think about this issue in private, you would probably hear something the exact opposite of how they voted. ::::::We need to give these Republican politicians cover to change their votes by exerting more pressure over the months ahead. They need to know that large numbers of their constituents would support a yes vote on this amendment. ::::::Pressure, more than reason, will do the trick. The needed pressure should be possible because public opinion is with us on this issue. ::::::Meanwhile . . .
A Real Competitiveness Bill
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .
:::Last week the House passed 11 bills and 235 pages of legislation. The Senate passed just two bills, but they totaled 365 pages, including H.R. 2272, the “America COMPETES Act.”
:::A title like that suggests Congress will finally allow Americans to compete in the global economy. But, as one might expect, the bill turned out to be 288 pages of grant programs that take your money to give to somebody else. How can businesses compete if the government, not you the consumer, decides where your money goes?
:::A real competitiveness bill would cut taxes, simplify the tax laws, and repeal burdensome regulations that hurt small business and drives corporations overseas. It would also allow businesses, families, and local communities to find ways to improve education without rules or other “help” from the federal government. Individuals are the best problem-solvers, and voluntary agreements are more efficient than laws and taxes. To improve America’s economic competitiveness, we must Downsize DC.
:::The Read the Bills Act would mean bills like H.R. 2272 would never see the light of day.
Downsize DC Conference Call – July 22, 2007 edition
Subject was Chertoff’s Gut — specifically that it told him we’re about to have a terrorist attack. More than 30 emails and 4 calls, ALL saying they believed a terrorist attack was imminent. The only thing that varied were the reasons. ::::::You can listen to the show in mp3 format by clicking on the “attachment” link at the end of this blog post. ::::::The Downsize DC Conference Call is Jim Babka’s radio show. It is sponsored by and Gun Owners of America.
Eye on the ball
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”:::– Thomas Jefferson::::::Subject: Agriculture bill and medical marijuana amendment, plus MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT::::::Votes are still pending on the big agriculture bill and the amendment to stop federal arrests of medical marijuana patients in states that permit the use of medical marijuana.::::::Let’s keep our eye on the ball and keep hitting Congress on these two issues.
Urgent vote tomorrow: Hinchey-Rohrbacher Amendment
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.” :::- C.S. Lewis::::::Subject: Congress to vote tomorrow on amendment to stop federal arrests in medical marijuana states::::::Everyone is different. Some people are helped by Vioxx, while others are endangered by it. Some medications work in some cases, but not in others. Medical marijuana does little for some patients, but it’s the difference between life and death for many individuals. Your mileage may vary. One size does not fit all.::::::Federal law doesn’t work this way. It takes no account of individual differences and needs. Federal law applies to everyone, equally, from the top down. It tries to nail square pegs into round holes.::::::The pegs are people. The hammering leads to suffering and death. Those who run the federal government seem not to care. One size must be made to fit all.
Will Congress cheat to regulate grassroots?
Please share with concerned friends . . .
:::Please Digg this column too.
:::Subject: Will Congress cheat in order to regulate
:::This is the “bad thing” we warned you about on Saturday.
:::A small cabal of organizations and members of Congress have dreamed and schemed for a long time to regulate grassroots organizations like
:::First, they came for the blogs and web activists. We beat them there.
:::And already this year, we’ve clobbered this proposal three times, fair and square, when their target was grassroots organizations who use mass media tools, including the web.
:::But now, there’s a very real danger that this cabal may cheat in order to get what they want anyway.
:::Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are planning to