Monthly Archives: December 2007
Jim Babka on Air AND In Person
On today’s Downsize DC Conference Call, my one-hour, Sunday radio show, heard at 4:06 PM Eastern (3:06 PM Central, 2:06 PM Mountain, 1:06 PM Pacific), I’ll give you my insights as a trained psephologist (someone who analyzes polls).
:::Do you trust the polls? What do you expect will happen in Iowa and New Hampshire? I want to hear from you!
:::Plus I’ll tell you about the three heroes of the Ron Paul campaign (one of them will really shock you).
:::The Downsize DC Conference Call is about to grow. Already I’m on a better show clock with fewer commercial breaks and longer segments. Even better, my talks with a program director at an FM talk radio station took another step forward this week, and the Genesis Communications Network is offering to double my show to two hours. Should I take the extra hour?
:::I have more to say about this, below my signature. Please check it out.
:::It’s time for the second annual Liberty Forum of the Free State Project, Thursday January 3 to Sunday January 6, 2008 in Nashua, New Hampshire. I’ll be speaking on Saturday, January 5th.
:::Ron Paul will be there. Other speakers will be Bernard von NotHaus currency architect and creator of the Liberty Dollar, Carla Howell from the Center for Small Government, Ethan Nadelmann Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance, and Wayne Green creator of Byte magazine, and many more!
:::Ian and Mark of the nationally syndicated radio show “Free Talk Live” to be set up, doing their broadcasts direct from the site as well.
:::On top of that, my wife Sue and I expect to do another installment of “Breakfast with the Babkas” on Sunday morning, January 6th. If you want to attend that breakfast,
Don’t Let Fox News Censor DC Downsizer Perspective
Forward this message to concerned friends. And Digg it too!
:::Has Ron Paul been banned from FoxNews?
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .::::::MEDIA NOTICE: Jim Babka is on the radio today. Look below the signature for listening information.
:::TODAY’S SUBJECT: The Read the Bills Act
:::On Sunday, December 16, members of Congress were handed a 3,417-page spending bill, H.R. 2764 – or was it a 1,443-page bill? It depends on what you include. The shorter version is found at the legislative information website, but then there are attached committee reports, in which we find most “earmarks,” or specific designations for the money Congress authorized in the bill.
:::And it appears these committee reports have the force of law. According to analyst Brian M. Riedl, “The appropriations bills’ texts contain several sections stating that a certain amount of a program’s budget ‘shall be available for projects and in the amounts specified in the explanatory statement described in section….; This may effectively make many of the earmarks in the conference reports legally binding.” Source: Heritage Foundation
:::That means the larger figure is more accurate. In any case, Congress has the responsibility to comb through both the bill and the earmarks to prevent waste.
:::Which Congress did not do. The House passed the bill within 24 hours (and passed an amended version two days later.) The Senate passed it Tuesday evening. Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina objected to the rush, leading Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois to reply that the bill had been posted on the Internet for two whole days!
Second Ron Paul American Freedom Agenda Act radio ad
Please pass this message on to fans of Ron Paul’s American Freedom Agenda Act (HR 3835).
:::You can also “Digg” this message.
:::Subject: Second radio ad
:::Here’s another radio ad (draft script) we want to start broadcasting in Michigan . . .
Leaving the Road of Fear (120 seconds) (5 parts, plus Jim Babka)
:::JB: The following is a paid legislative alert from Downsize DC dot org . . .
:::N: 9/11. It was horrific. It was natural for us to respond — emotionally, viscerally… even hysterically.
:::And our Founding Fathers recognized that fear in the face of insecurity might cause us to drift from our principles. But they gave us a beacon back to the right path. It’s called the Constitution.
:::Thomas Jefferson wrote,
Radio ads!
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Subject: Radio ads!::::::In our last message before Christmas we asked you if you like Congressman Ron Paul’s “American Freedom Agenda Act. Remember, the American Freedom Agenda Act would repeal . . . ::::::* Torture. :::* Rendition.:::* Detention without due process.:::* Warrantless wiretapping. :::* Punishing Whistleblowers.:::* Presidential Signing Statements.::::::We also asked . . .::::::If you were going to do the most good for Congressman Ron Paul’s American Freedom Agenda Act, how would you do it, where would you do it, and when would you do it? Here are our answers . . .
Last Message Before Christmas
Twas the last message before Christmas,
:::and all through our house,
:::Downsize DC was busy,
:::scrambling like a mouse.
:::In this message . . .
:::* Jim Babka on Arizona radio show today (Sunday)
:::* Jim Babka on Free Talk Live on Christmas Day
:::Details on both appearances will be provided after my signature. But first . . .
:::* to launch a special project Wednesday, December 26
:::* Jim Babka to speak at New Hampshire “Free State” Conference
:::* Radio Show Update
:::Let’s get started . . .
:::Do you like Ron Paul’s “American Freedom Agenda Act?”
:::Ron Paul’s legislation repeals . . .
They Had All Year, And More
Last week, the House of Representatives passed 18 bills amounting to 1130 pages of legislation. The Senate passed 20 bills covering 1126 pages.
Success on multiple fronts
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Recruit more Downsizers. Forward this to others.::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” :::- President James Madison ::::::Subject: Success on multiple fronts::::::Downsize DC pressure works! Here’s the latest evidence . . .
The Enumerated Powers Act
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Recruit more Downsizers. Forward this message to others.::::::Quotes of the Day:::::::“This government is acknowledged by all to be one of enumerated powers.”:::– Chief Justice Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland::::::“We start with first principles. The Constitution creates a Federal Government of enumerated powers.”:::– Chief Justice William Rehnquist in United States v. Lopez::::::“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce.”:::– James Madison, Federalist No. 45::::::Subject: The Enumerated Powers Act::::::It’s time for Congress to “cite chapter and verse.” When they pass new laws or spend taxpayer money they should be required to point to the specific language in the Constitution that empowers that action. The “Enumerated Powers Act” would require them to do precisely that. Help us bring this bill to a vote.
Deflating the deflation myth
Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Recruit Downsizers. Share this with others.::::::Quote of the Day:::::::“Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” :::- Frederick Douglass ::::::Subject: Deflating the deflation myth::::::We are amazed. Ron Paul has set records for fundraising. His poll numbers are also good, despite being rigged to hide the true level of his support. He has attracted followers from all corners — conservatives, liberals, libertarians, and centrists. But most of all, we are amazed by the fact that so many people are attracted to . . .