Monthly Archives: August 2009
Check Out Your Improved Website
CORRECTION: The Freddie Mac program we told you about on Friday turns out to be old and defunct, not new and current. We sincerely apologize for the error. Now, some good news . . .
Subject: Check out the New & Improved website
It’s the work of many months, and something we wanted to get done BEFORE launching our media outreach campaign. Here’s what you’ll see and experience when you visit our new website . . .
* It should load a bit faster
* We make better use of the space on the home page, providing useful things for both new and repeat visitors, such as…
Does Freddie Mac want to blow a new housing bubble?
Quote of the Day: “The state of California is committed to assisting educators achieve the dream of homeownership.” — John Schienle, Director of the California Housing Loan Insurance Fund
Subject: Does Freddie Mac want to blow a new housing bubble?
Freddie Mac is supporting a California program that allows teachers to buy a home with . . .
* Only $500 down
:::* Relaxed credit requirements
This is exactly the kind of thing that inflated the housing bubble in the first place, and got Freddie Mac in so much trouble that it had to be bailed out by the federal government, at YOUR expense.
The Mint vs. The Fed
Quote of the Day: The government called three accountants to testify. The defense asked each one, “What is the proper way to calculate income for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code if you are paid in a gold coin that has a $50 face value on it?” All three of them responded, “I do not know; I’ll have to research that.” — Mike Zigler, reporting on the 2007 case against Robert Kahre that ended in a hung jury
Subject: How can legal tender be illegal?
Robert Kahre is facing up to 296 years in prison. His crime? He hired workers on mutually-agreed terms, and paid them in gold and silver dollars rather than in Federal Reserve dollars.
First, some background . . .
Do Unto Them As They Do Unto You
Quote of the Day: “What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall.” — Charley Reese
Subject: Give the politicians a taste of their own medicine
Politicians are a persistent bunch. Tell them “No,” and they come knocking again. Shout “No,” and they try to sneak in the back door.
We must do what they do. We must be persistent. We must constantly insist on what we want, and at an ever growing volume.
That’s why the numbers we report are cause for excitement. Rising growth numbers mean that YOUR POWER over the politicians is also rising.
What the Numbers Can Do You for You
PUBLIC APPEARANCE: Downsize DC President Jim Babka be speaking at a Tea Party in Pennsylvania. If you’re in the area come by and say, “Hi.” Look below the signature for details.
Quote of the Day: “Never in the history of the world has there been a situation so bad that the government couldn’t make it worse.” — attribution unknown
Subject: What the numbers can do for you
Long-time members of the Downsize DC Army will know that we’re obsessed with measuring our progress. We know of no other organization that so rigorously tracks its most important growth statistics and so diligently reports those numbers to its supporters. We do this because . . .
We actually want to achieve the goal signified by our name. We want to Downsize DC. We desire this because we believe it will foster human progress. And the numbers we report are important to this desire because . . .
* As a wise man once said, “God tends to be on the side of the bigger battalions.”
:::* If we constantly grow the size of the Downsize DC Army then YOU will eventually have the biggest “battalion”
:::* You tend to get more of what you measure, so we measure constantly
This is what the numbers we report can do for you. They can provide the motivation to get what you want. So having said . . .
Volunteers Needed to Test Website Changes
We’re making some important ease-of-use and marketing changes to our website. With these changes, will be able to go to the next level of media outreach.
We need volunteers to help us test our changes. The testing needs to be done TODAY — the earlier the better. It’s easy — just normal use of the features on our site.
:::If you can help, send us an email right now (today, Thursday, August 20) at
Beware the Surrender
Quotes of the Day:
“You could theoretically design a co-op plan that had the same attributes as a public plan.” — Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
“Well, I think in theory you can imagine a co-operative meeting that definition.” — President Barack Obama
Subject: Beware the surrender on the so-called “public option”
The Big Government health care bill doesn’t have the votes in the Senate and it’s taking a beating in public opinion. The latest Rasmussen Report shows that 54% of Americans now think passing no health care reform at all is better than passing the current plan.
The President and Congressional leaders have responded by appearing to surrender.
President Obama claims the so-called “public option” (tax funded health insurance) isn’t crucial. They would settle for something called a co-op instead.
Beware of politicians appearing to surrender. They’re almost always “Greeks bearing gifts.” The co-op alternative to the “public option” is a Trojan Horse.
Michael F. Cannon sums it up perfectly:
Tuesday, August 18 Interview, No. 2
At 3 PM Eastern (2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, Noon Pacific) Downsize DC President Jim Babka is scheduled to appear on the radio talk show, Crosstalk, heard on 89 stations and the streaming on the Internet.Jim will be on for the hour.
You can listen live and…
Tuesday, August 18 Interview
Live Radio is Dynamic. Sometimes, things come up. This interview was CANCELED.
Downsize DC President Jim Babka is scheduled to make his regular, monthly appearance on Liberty Roundtable w/ Sam Bushman & Friends, just after 10 AM Eastern (9 AM Central, 8 AM Mountain, 7 AM Pacific) on this, the third Tuesday morning of the month.
However, Sam Bushman is traveling, and right now we’re hoping this interview will happen. We won’t know for sure until showtime.
The show is heard on several stations, but
Another shocking fact
Media Alert: A second radio interview for today (Tuesday) has been scheduled, and more are coming. Downsize DC is in-demand. Please check our blog regularly for listening details.
Quote of the Day: “In 2006, Massachusetts snuck a health care boondoggle past the voters by pushing 20 percent of the cost on to the federal government and 60 percent onto private individuals and employers, according to data from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.” — Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute, writing in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Subject: Another shocking fact about the true costs of the big health care bill
But it gets worse . . .
* The $1.2 trillion cost reported by the CBO only includes ON-BUDGET items
:::* The bill also imposes other huge costs on taxpayers that won’t be reflected in the federal budget