Monthly Archives: December 2009
Preview: New tools you can use to get what you want
2010 will be the year of Toolism for Downsize DC and the Downsize DC Army. Find out what we mean . . .
Health Insurance and Enumerated Powers: Congress claims the healthcare bill is Constitutional. Do you agree?
The Senate’s healthcare bill tries to explain the Constitutionality of the individual health insurance mandate, with absurd results.
Healthcare Reform: It’s about your liberty, not your party
Let’s remind Congress that we oppose this healthcare bill because we believe in liberty.
Time to Fight
Don’t Despair, Renew Your Resolve to Fight because… On Christmas Eve, the cynical Scrooge’s of the United States Senate voted to expand the size of government, as well as its power and reach into the medical system. Even thought it’s a chilly Christmas, I’m here to tell you, the battle is NOT over.
Transpartisan Letter Against the Insurance Mandate was pleased to join dozens of other organization in sending this letter to the Senate . . .
Where In the Constitution? Part 2
Does the Constitution authorize Congress to force us to purchase health insurance?
Healthcare: How you can get Congressional Democrats to oppose their own bill
It may look like the healthcare fight is over, but it isn’t, and there are even reasons why Congressional Democrats should also oppose this monstrous bill.
Healthcare: Do you consent to this murder-suicide pact?
Congressional leaders have used tax-funded bribery to move the cancerous healthcare bill toward final passage.
MEDIA ALERT: Jim Babka on Deadline LIVE – TODAY! President Jim Babka will appear TODAY on Deadline LIVE with Jack Blood. Jim is scheduled for a 25-minute interview beginning at 5:05 Eastern (4:05 Central, 3:05 Mountain, 2:05 Pacific).
Deadline Live is on Monday – Friday 4 pm – 6 pm EST on American Freedom Radio. Click here to listen live.
Healthcare Reform: Give us a chance to Read the Bill
Obama thinks opponents of his healthcare bill should just give up. Instead, let’s increase the pressure.