Monthly Archives: July 2010
DEADLINE: We really believe in what we’re doing
We have skin in the game.
How Soon Will You Get New Tools?
Things are looking good. We’re close, but . . .
Persuasion, Petition, Interposition, and Nullification
In the battle to Downsize DC, I believe there are numerous fronts, other than electoral politics, on which to fight. That’s why I was thrilled to be invited to speak at a conference in Orlando, Florida on 10/10/10.
Fiscal Responsibility Act: Will Spending Cuts Hurt Politicians?
Congress should get a pay cut if they don’t balance the budget.
Harry Reid wants to hold a vote on this bill tonight!
Progress Report: The Results of Our Experiment
Plus good news on the One Sack project!
Media: Jim Babka Friday On Air Interviews
Jim Babka will be appearing on two syndicated radio talk shows tomorrow — Friday, July 23 — the first at 9 AM Eastern (6 AM Pacific), and the second at 3 PM Eastern (Noon Pacific). Details in this blog post.
Food Safety Bill: I am not afraid . . . to eat
The Senate is under pressure to pass a food safety bill, but is our food really that unsafe?
An Experiment: Give your reps a task to complete
Let’s experiment with a new tactic to defeat NSTIC (the “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace”).
Progress Reports: Good results on a number of fronts
Your government-issued Internet password, our new candidates page, Facebook results, and One Sack progress