Yearly Archives: 2013
Funding The State or Post-Statism?
Reduce the taxes you pay to fund The State, and support the NEW Zero Aggression Project, which undermines statism
Let’s take one more swipe at Obamacare to end the year
Was there a bigger disaster in 2013?
Defund The State and Defeat Statism
Reduce the taxes you pay to fund The State by supporting the NEW Zero Aggression Project.
Does your Senator want war?
Stop a dangerous new bill that will make peace with Iran impossible
Re-post: Peace on Earth, Good Will to ALL
When we think of “peace on Earth, good will to men,” does this mean peace for just some parts of the planet, or all of it? Is it good will to some people, or to all?
Do you want MORE surveillance?
If you don’t, oppose Dianne Feinstein’s “FISA Improvements Act”
Opposing the FISA Amendments Act is one of 54 organizations who just sent the following letter to Congressional leadership opposing Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s phony “FISA Improvements Act.”
URGENT: Stop the new counterfeiter-in-chief
Make the Fed face competition
Do you trust the Supreme Court to tame the NSA?
Tell Congress to repeal the Surveillance State.