Monthly Archives: July 2017
Congress should stop voting on healthcare bills it hasn’t read
Your reps should automatically vote no on healthcare bills they haven’t read. Retweet We’ve launched our new website. You might find bugs. We want your help to find them so…
Fourth Circuit trashes Fourth Amendment, endangers CCWs
Must you choose between your 2nd & 4th Amendment rights? Retweet A police car pulls behind you, the lights go on, and you get that sinking feeling in your stomach….
Meet the new
Debut of the NEW Retweet We’ve been waiting for this day!
The official text of Downsize DC’s “Write the Laws Act” (WTLA)
This bill will fix a major constitutional violation. Only Congress has the Constitutional power to impose regulations. But Congress has delegated much of that power to Executive Branch agencies. Those…
The official text of Downsize DC’s “Read the Bills Act” (RTBA)
This bill will require members of Congress to read every word of a bill before they can vote yes on it. If ignorance of the law is no excuse for…
The official text of Downsize DC’s “One Subject at a Time Act” (OSTA)
This bill will prohibit Congressional leaders from combing unrelated legislation. They will no longer be able to use popular measures to pass bills that lack majority support. Every legislative proposal…
URGENT: Obamacare REPEAL, a realistic opportunity
Our last Action Item using the Educate the Powerful System
How Downsize DC continues to restore the Fourth Amendment
Privacy expectation, weak. Property right, strong.