Jim Babka’s Post-Statist Review, Episode #5: (four topics) Are the questions in the Political Conscience Test biased? Host Howard opens the mailbag and Jim responds. Then, Jim explains how libertarians suck. The truth behind the shocking story he tells is that libertarians lack something their enemies have! Donald Trump’s punitive tariff plan. Is this a case of 4-D chess? Gary Nolan joins Jim for this segment. You cannot un-hear something once you’ve heard it. So can we make Congress hear the Zero Aggression Principle loud and clear? And if so, what “non-Pollyanna” things could actually happen as a result?
Segment One
Are the questions in the Political Conscience Test biased?
:56 Results from the Political Conscience Test
1:17 The Test is at https://politicalconscience.com/
2:18 Not social science. Getting people to think.
4:07 Mailbag: Questions are too inflammatory and too left-wing.
7:11 Mailbag: Zero Aggression is “aggressive” and too right-wing.
10:20 Mailbag: Are we calling a mere difference in opinion political cruelty?
13:29 Our Eric Garner “ad” for the PCT
14:28 Mailbag: More complex questions needed.
15:54 Are we data harvesting? …Russian bots?
18:12 Yes, we have a bias! Here it is…
Segment Two
How libertarians suck
20:16 Segment begins
20:49 What does Jim mean when he says that?
21:51 Why libertarians are NOT winning!
22:14 ACTION: No new Iran sanctions letter to Congress
23:42 ACTION: Net neutrality letter to Congress
24:34 Just human nature!
25:00 Why we cannot have nice things.
26:51 Writing a letter to Congress IS more effective than…
27:40 The real reason Jim used the word “suck.”
28:19 The solution!
28:29 Media Agenda Setting theory (Zero Aggression, a Mental Lever)
28:50 ACTION: Marijuana letter to Congress
Segment Three
Donald Trump’s new tariffs. Start of a trade war?
30:22 This segment occurred August 2, on the Gary Nolan Show
31:00 The troubling history of punitive tariff increases.
32:10 The non-intuitive good news behind “trade imbalances”
33:08 Tariffs are unfair. But who gets hurt?
34:55 Gary’s really tough question about unfair competition.
37:29 What Lee Iacocca got wrong about Japanese “dumping.”
Segment Four
A new permanent Downsize DC campaign
40:02 Overlap with Zero Aggression Project
40:16 NEW ACTION CAMPAIGN: Tell your representatives to obey the Zero Aggression Principle
41:43 They can never unthink it again. Mental Depth Charge (Zero Aggression, a Mental Lever)
42:21 No expectation of “Mr. Smith goes to Washington”
42:58 What CAN happen if we deliver this message
44:46 Zero Aggression Principle (a Mental Lever)
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